Name Surname:
Cengiz Kılıç
(312) 305 18 78
Dr. Cengiz Kılıç has graduated from Istanbul University Medical School in 1984. He completed specializing in psychiatry in 1992 at Hacettepe University. During his residency training, he joined Prof. Isaac Marks’ unit at the Institute of Psychiatry, London for a year in 1991. After the major earthquakes in 1999, he worked as research and clinical supervisor in an international project led by University of London. He completed a PhD program at the Institute of Psychiatry and received a PhD degree in 2004. His PhD thesis was on predictors of psychiatric disorders caused by the earthquake. His also examined positive psychological changes in earthquake survivors. He was a member of the “International Consortium for Psychiatric Epidemiology” headed by Prof. Ron Kessler (from Harvard University) between 1996-1999, and is currently a member of the World Mental Health Initiative headed by Prof. Kessler. He was the principal investigator of the first nationally representative epidemiological survey, the “Mental Health Profile of Turkey”, and co- PI of the “World Mental Health Survey-Turkey”. His main research interests are in the area of anxiety disorders, traumatic stress and psychiatric epidemiology. He is associate editor of two scientific journals: the Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, and the Journal of Traumatic Stress. He is currently professor of psychiatry, working full-time at the psychiatry department of Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara. He is the founder and current director of Stress Assessment and Research Center (STAR) at Hacettepe University. As a member of the academic staff, he takes part in education directed both to students and residents, in addition to clinical work.
1. Başoğlu M, Marks, Kılıç C et al (1994) Relationship of panic, anticipatory anxiety, agoraphobia and global improvement in panic disorder with agoraphobia treated by alprazolam and exposure. Br J Psychiatry, 164:647-652.
2. Başoğlu M, Marks, Kılıç C et al (1994) Alprazolam and exposure for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Attribution of improvement to medication predicts subsequent relapse. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164: 652-659.
3. Kılıç C, Rezaki M, Üstün TB, Gater R (1994) Pathways to Psychiatric Care in Ankara. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 29: 13 1-136.
4. Kılıç C (1996) General Health Questionnaire: validity and reliability study. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 7: 83-89.
5. Kılıç C, Özbayrak K, Uluşahin A, Üstün B (1996) Therapeutic factors in interactional inpatient groups: results from a Turkish sample. GROUP, 20:241-249.
6. Kılıç C, Rezaki M, Rezaki B, Kaplan İ, Özgen G, Sağduyu A, Oztürk MO (1997) General Health Questionnaire (GHQI2 & GHQ28): psychometric properties and factor structure of the scales in a Turkish primary care sample. Social Psychiatıy and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 32:327-331.
7. Kılıç C, Noshirvani H, Başoğlu M, Marks IM (1997) Agoraphobia and panic disorder: 3.5 years after alprazolam and/or exposure treatment. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 66: 175-178.
8. Easton C, Meza E, Mager D, Uluğ B, Kılıç C, Göğüş A, Babor TF (1997) Test-retest reliability of the a1cohol and drug use disorder sections of the schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry (SCAN). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 47: 187-194.
9. Özen H, Şahin A, Toklu C, Rastadokouee M, Kılıç C, Göğüş A, Kendi S (1998) Psychosocial adjustment after testicular cancer treatment. Journal of Urology, 159: 1947-1950.
10. Kılıç C, Curran HV, Noshirvani H, Başoğlu M, Marks IM (1999) Long-term effects of alprazolam on memory: a 3.5 year followup of agoraphobia/panic subjects. Psychological Medicine, 29:225-231.
11. Andrade L, Caraveo-Anduaga JJ, Berglund P, Bijl R, Kessler RC, Demler O, Walters E, Kılıç C, Offord D, Ustun TB, Wittchen HU (2000) Cross-national comparisons of the prevalences and correlates of mental disorders. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78: 413-426.
12. Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M, Özeren M, Aker T, Kılıç C, Mestçioğlu Ö (2001) A Study of the Validity of a Screening Instrument for Traumatic Stress in Earthquake Survivors in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 14, 3: 491-509.
13. Kılıç C (2001) Editorial: Treatment strategies for PTSD: need for brief and effective interventions. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 104: 409-410.
14. Kılıç C, Ulusoy M (2003) Psychological effects of the November 1999 earthquake in Turkey: an epidemiological study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 108: 232-8.
15.Andrade L, Caraveo-Anduaga JJ, Berglund P, Bijl RV, De Graaf R, Vollebergh W, Dragomirecka E, Kohn R, Keller M, Kessler RC, Kawakami N, Kılıç C, Offord D, Ustun TB, Wittchen HU (2003) The epidemiology of major depressive episodes: results from the International Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology (ICPE) Surveys. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 12:3-21.
16. Başoğlu M, Kılıç C, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M (2004) Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression in Earthquake Survivors in Turkey: Two Epidemiological Studies. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17: 133-141.
17. Kılıç C, Aydın İ, Taşkıntuna N, Özçürümez G, Kurt G, Eren E, Lale T, Özel S, Zileli L (2006) Predictors of psychological distress in survivors of the 1999 earthquakes in Turkey: effects of relocation after the disaster. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 114: 194-202.
18. Onder E, Tural U, Aker T, Kılıç C, Erdogan S (2006) Prevalence of psychiatric disorders three years after the 1999 earthquake in Turkey: Marmara Earthquake Survey (MES). Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41: 868-874.
19. Kılıç C (2008) [Health Services Use for Earthquake-Related Psychological Problems: Results from the 1999 Earthquakes in Turkey] Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 19(2):113-123. Turkish
20. Kılıç EZ, Kılıç C, Yılmaz S (2008) Is anxiety sensitivity a predictor of PTSD in children and adolescents? J Psychosom Res, 65(1): 81-86.
21. Eren-Koçak E, Kılıç C, Aydın I, Hızlı FG (2009) Memory and prefrontal functions in earthquake survivors: differences between current and past post-traumatic stress disorder patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand,119(1):35-44
22. Kılıç C, Kılıç EZ, Aydın İO (2011) Effect of Relocation and Parental Psychopathology on
Earthquake Survivor-Children’s Mental Health. J Nerv Ment Dis 2011;199: 335-341.
23. Kılıç C, Ak S, Ak HB (2014) Anxiety sensitivity: another reason to separate dental fears from blood-injury fears? J Anxiety Disord, 28(2):280-2.
24. Ak S, Birgül Ak H, Kılıç C (2014) The validity and reliability study of MBPI (Multidimensional Blood/Injury Phobia Inventory). Turk Psikiyatri Derg.25(1):42-9.
25. Eren-Koçak E, Kılıç C (2014) Posttraumatic Growth After Earthquake Trauma is Predicted by Executive Functions: A Pilot Study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 202(12):859-63
26. Kılıç C, İnci F (2015)Traumatic Stress in Emergency Medical Technicians: Protective Role of Age and Education. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2015 Winter;26(4):236-41. Turkish
27. Magruder KM, Kılıç C, Koryürek MM (2015) Relationship of posttraumatic growth to symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression: A pilot study of Iraqi students.
Int J Psychol, 50(5):402-6
28. Kılıç C, Magruder KM, Koryürek MM (2016) Does trauma type relate to posttraumatic growth after war? A pilot study of young Iraqi war survivors living in Turkey. Transcult Psychiatry, 53(1): 110-23
29. Ak S,Kılıç C (2017) Does Gender Affect the Relationship Between Anxiety Sensitivity and Social Anxiety? Turk Psikiyatri Derg.28(4):240-245. 30. Eren Koçak E,Kılıç C (2017) Cognitive Dysfunctions in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Turk Psikiyatri Derg.28(2):124-131. 31. Boztepe H,Çınar S,Ay A,Kerimoğlu Yıldız G,Kılıç C. (2018) Predictors of caregiver burden in mothers of children with leukemia and cerebral palsy. J Psychosoc Oncol.13:1-10. doi: 10.1080/07347332.2018.1489441. [ 32. Kaya, E., Kilic, C., Karadag Caman, O., Uner, S. (2019). Posttraumatic Stress and Depression Among Syrian Refugees Living in Turkey: Findings From an Urban Sample. J Nerv Ment Dis. 207: 995-1000.33. Lewison G, Sullivan R, Kiliç C (2021) Mental health disorders research in the countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), 2008–17, and the disease burden: Bibliometric study. PLoS ONE 16(4): e0250414.
34. Kiliç C, Öz G, Avanoğlu K B, Aksoy S (2021) The prevalence and characteristics of misophonia in Ankara, Turkey: population-based study. BJPsych Open
35. Karadağ Çaman Ö, Kiliç C, Kaya E, Üner S (2021) Challenges and lessons learned in mental health research among refugees: a community-based study in Turkey. BMC Public Health
36. Kılıç C, Yıldız Mİ, Emekli E, Gülşen G, Alp A. Psychological factors responsible for low adherence to mask-wearing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. BJPsych Open. 2022 Nov 23;8(6):e203. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2022.603. PMID: 36416230; PMCID: PMC9744457
1. World Health Organization (1997) Composite International Diagnostic Interview-CIDI 2.1 Translated from English. Kılıç C, Göğüş A. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
2. Kılıç C (1998) Erişkinlerle ilgili sonuçlar. Türkiye Ruh sağlığı Profili: ana rapor; Erol N, Kılıç C, Ulusoy M, Keçeci M, Şimşek Z (ed). Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
3. Kılıç C (2004) Özgül fobilerde tedavi kılavuzu. Anksiyete bozuklukları tedavi kılavuzu, R Tükel (ed). Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları.
4. Kılıç C (2001) Ruhsal Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu gelişiminin belirleyicileri: bir gözden geçirme. 5US Yayınları, Istanbul.
5. Kılıç C (2010) Posttraumatic Growth in the Turkish Population. In: Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice; Weiss T, Berger R (eds), Wiley6. Kılıç C, Uluğ ÖŞ (2018). Travma ve Sonrası: Hastalık mı, Büyüme mi?. Kuzugüdenlioğlu Ulusoy D, editör. Ruh Sağlığının Sosyal Boyutu. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri;. p.66-72.
7. Kılıç C, Uluğ ÖŞ (2021) Türkiye'de Depresyon Yaygınlığı ve İlişkili Faktörler. Devrimci Özgüven H, editör. Depresyon. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri;. p.1-7.
Psychiatric assessment Structured clinical interviews Psychiatric epidemiology Anxiety disorders Trauma-related disorders Misophonia Complicated grief Mental health consequences of disasters Refugee mental health
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: (312) 305 18 78