Name Surname:
Deniz Köksal
Chest Diseases
(312) 305 15 31
GET APPOINTMENTDr. Köksal was born in Eskişehir in 1972. She is graduated from İzmir Bornova Anatolian High School in 1990. After graduating from Hacettepe University Medical Faculty in 1996, she completed her training on “Chest diseases and tuberculosis” in Ankara University Medical Faculty and received her certificate in 2000. She continued academic studies while employing in Ataturk Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Education and Research Hospital and took the degree of “Associate Prof” in 2006. Dr. Köksal has been working in Hacettepe University Medical Faculty since November 2013. She is married and has two children.
Peer-reviewed publications in chronological order
1. Köksal D, Acıcan T, Kanat F, Durmaz G, Ataoğlu Ö, Çobanlı B. “Tuberculous ulcer of the tongue secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis.” Aust NZ J Med, 30, 518-519, (2000).
2. Köksal D, Beder S. “Malign plevral mezotelyoma (MPM) tedavisi.” Tuberk Toraks, 51, 310-319, (2003).
3. Köksal D, Altınok T, Kocaman Y, Taştepe İ, Özkara Ş. “Bronchoscopic diagnosis of ruptured pulmonary hydatid cyst presenting as non-resolving pneumonia: report of two patients.” Lung, 182, 363-368, (2004).
4. Karnak D, Köksal D, Beder S, Kayacan O. “A rare cause of empyema in a non-immunocompromised case and a successful combined treatment.” Postgrad Med J, 80 (944): 368,370, (2004).
5. Kayacan O, Karnak D, Beder S, Köksal D. “Left pleural effusion in a female with coronary artery by-pass grafting.” Postgrad Med J, 80 (941), 184-186, (2004).
6. Köksal D, Özkan B, Şimşek C, Köksal AŞ, Ağaçkıran Y, Şaşmaz N. “Lipid-laden alveolar macrophage index in sputum is not useful in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary symptoms secondary to gastroesophageal reflux.” Arch Med Res, 36, 485-489, (2005).
7. Ünsal E, Köksal D, Yurdakul AS, Atikcan Ş, Cinaz P. “Analysis of insulin like growth factor 1 and insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum of patients with lung cancer.” Resp Med, 99, 559-565, (2005).
8. Ünsal E, Aksaray S, Köksal D, Şipit T. “The potential role of interleukin 6 in reactive thrombocytosis and acute phase response in pulmonary tuberculosis.” Postgrad Med J, 81, 604-607, (2005).
9. Başar Ö, Köklü S, Köksal D, Köksal AŞ, İbiş M, Uçar E, Ülker A. “Intracranial tuberculomas in a non-immuncompromised patient with abdominal tuberculosis misdiagnosed as Crohn’s disease.” Dig Dis Sci, 50, 1279-1282, (2005).
10. Üsküdar O, Köksal D, Köksal AŞ. Partial intestinal obstruction due to clofazimine in a patient with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 9, 703-704, (2005).
11. Köksal D, Kaçar S, Köksal AŞ, Tüfekçioğlu O, Küçükay F, Ökten S, Şaşmaz N, Arda K, Şahin B. “Evaluation of intrapulmonary vascular dilatations with high resolution computed thorax tomography in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome.” J Clin Gastroenterol, 40, 77-83, (2006).
12. Ökten F, Köksal D, Önal M, Özcan A, Şimsek C, Ertürk H. “Computed tomography findings in 66 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma due to environmental exposure to asbestos.” Clin Imaging, 30, 177-180, (2006).
13. Kayacan O, Karnak D, Beder S, Güllü E, Tutkak H, Çay F, Köksal D. “Impact of TNF-α and IL-6 levels on development of cachexia in newly diagnosed NSCLC patients.” Am J Clin Oncol, 29, 328-335, (2006).
14. Köksal D, Köksal AŞ, Köklü S, Çiçek B, Altıparmak E, Şahin B. “Primary tuberculous liver abscess: A case report and review of the literature.” South Med J, 99, 393-395, (2006).
15. Atikcan Ş, Ünsal E, Demirağ F, Köksal D, Yılmaz A. “Correlation between survivin expression and prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer.” Resp Med, 100, 2220-2226, (2006).
16. Köksal D, Ünsal E, Poyraz B, Kaya A, Savaş H, Şipit T, Gönüllü U. “The value of serum interferon- level in the differential diagnosis of active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis.” Tuberk Toraks, 54, 17-21, (2006).
17. Ünsal E, Köksal D, Çimen F, Taci Hoca N, Şipit T. “Analysis of patients with hemoptysis in a reference hospital for chest diseases.” Tuberk Toraks, 54, 34-42, (2006).
18. Caner SS, Köksal D, Özkara Ş, Berkoğlu M, Aksaray S, Tarhan D. “Akciğer tüberkülozlu hastalarda serum interlökin-2 ve C-reaktif protein düzeylerinin klinik ve radyolojik bulgularla ilişkisi.” Tuberk Toraks, 55, 238-245, (2007).
19. Köksal D, Mutluay N, Boyacı E, Başay N, Bayiz H, Berktaş B, Aydın M, Kaya S, Berkoğlu M. “Pulmonary nodules and myelodisplastic syndrome.” Southern Med J, 102,741-743, (2009).
20. Ulger Z, Aksu S, Aksoy DY, Köksal D, Haznedaroğlu IC, Kirazlı Ş. “The adhesion molecules of L-selectin and ICAM-1 in thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia.” Platelets, 21(1),49-52, (2010).
21. Köksal D, Bayız H, Gülgösteren M, Başay N, Mutluay N, Boyacı E, Berktaş B, Çakır E, Berkoğlu M. “Recurrence of thymoma after 11 years presenting as diffuse pleural thickening.” Tuberk Toraks, 60(1), 62-65, (2012).
22. Koksal D, Mutluay N, Bayız H, Berktaş B, Berkoğlu M, Demirag F. “Diffuse pulmonary amyloidosis due to Familial Mediterranean Fever, a rare presentation.” Libyan J Med, 7, 18482, (2012). (Letter to the editor).
23. Erguden HC, Koksal D, Demirag F, Bayiz H, Mutluay N, Berktas B, Berkoglu M. “The association of Topoisomerase 2α expression with prognosis in surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer patients.” Journal of Thoracic Disease, 4(4), 352-357, (2012).
24. Koksal D, Bayiz H, Mutluay N, Koyuncu A, Demirag F, Daglı G, Berktas B, Berkoglu M. “Fibrosing mediastinitis mimicking bronchogenic carcinoma”. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 5(1), E5-7, (2013).
25. Koksal D, Demirag F, Bayiz H, Ozmen O, Tatcı E, Berktas B, Aydogdu K, Yekeler E. “The correlation of SUVmax with pathologic charactyeristics of primary tumor and Tumor/Lymph node SUVmax ratio for predicting metastasis to lymph nodes in resected NSCLC patients.” Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,8,63-70,(2013). Doi 10.1186/1749-8090-8-63.
26. Calgın K, Mıyan M, Atasever M, Koksal D. “Expression analysis of efflux pump genes among drug sensitive and multidrug resistant M. Tuberculosis clinical isolates and reference strains.” Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 76(3), 291-297, (2013).
27. Koksal D, Demirag F, Bayiz H, Koyuncu A, Mutluay N, Berktas B, Berkoglu M. “The cell block method increases the diagnostic yield in exudative pleural effusions accompanying lung cancer.” Turk Patoloji Derg, 29(3),165-170, (2013).
28. Ozmen O, Tatci E, Gokcek A, Koksal D, Dadali Y, Ozaydin E, Arslan N. “Integration of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose PET/CT into clinical management of patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis.” Ann Nucl Med 2013 Sep 15.
29. Koksal AS, Aydinli O, Koksal D, Oztas E, Turhan N, Kayacetin E. “Colonic tuberculosis.” Am J Gastroenterol (2013).
Pulmonary and pleural malignities, Asthma, COPD, pulmonary infections and tuberculosis
High School |
Univercity |
Academic Background |
Foreign Language | English |
: (312) 305 15 31
: dckoksal@gmail.com