Name Surname:
M.Pınar Özgen Kıratlı
Nuclear Medicine
(312) 305 13 36
GET APPOINTMENTProf. Dr. Pınar Özgen Kıratlı, TED Ankara Özel Lisesi ve Gazi Tıp Fakültesini bitirdi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nükleer Tıp Anabilim Dalında uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladı. 2004 yılında Doçent, 2009 yılında profersör unvanını aldı. 1993-1994 yıllarında University of Pennsylvania Department of Nuclear Medicine de ‘research fellow’ olarak çalıştı. 1999-2000 de Great Ormond Street Hospital da ‘Henri Becquerel fellowship’ bursunu kazanarak pediatrik nükleer tıp eğitimi aldı. 2001-2002 Akademik Yılı ‘Bilimde Teşvik Ödülünü aldı. 2011 yılında New York Sloan Kettering Cancer Centerda PET-BT eğitimi aldı.
Pediatrik Nükleer Tıp ve Onkoloji ile ilgilenmektedir.
2016-2019 yılları arasında Nükleer Tıp Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı yaptı.
Halen Türkiye Nükleer Tıp Derneği Pediatrik Nükleer Tıp grubu başkanı ve Avrupa Nükleer Tıp Derneği Pediatrik Nükleer Tıp Çalışma Grubu üyesidir.
- Uluslararası
1. Zukerberg, B., Graves, M., Özgen, P., Goyal, M., Scheff., A. ‘Lung scintigraphy in post transplant bronchial stenosis’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine 21, 428-429 (1996)
2. Özgen, P., Zukerberg, B., Graves M., Goyal M., Scheff A., ‘Detection of a sphenoid bone metastasis using Tc-99m MDP bone SPECT of the skull’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine 21, 400-401, (1996)
3. Goyal,M., Zukerberg, B., Özgen, P., Graves,M., Scheff. A., ‘Large subcapsular hematoma in transplant kidney seen on renal scan’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine 21, 345-346 (1996)
4. Kostakoğlu,L., Elahi, E., Kıratlı, P., Ruacan, Ş., Sayek, İ., Baltalı, E., Sungur, A., Hayran, M., Bekdik, C., ‘Clinical validation of the influence of P-glycoprotein on Tc-99m sestamibi uptake in malignant tumors’, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 38, 1003-1008 (1997)
5. Kıratlı P.Ö., B.Erbaş,B., Bekdik, C., ‘Laurence Moon Biedl syndrome: Scintigraphic appearence of kidneys’, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 11, 159-161 (1997)
6. Kıratlı P.Ö., Kıratlı, H., Ercan MT., ‘ Visualization of amelanotic melanoma with technetium 99m(V)-dimercaptosuccinic acid’, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 11, 147-149 (1997)
7. Kıratlı, H., Kıratlı P.Ö., Ercan MT., ‘Scintigraphic evaluation of tumors metastatic to the choroid using technetium 99m(V)-dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy’, Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 42, 60-65 (1998)
8. Kıratlı, H., Kıratlı P.Ö., Ercan, MT., Bilgiç, S., ‘Technetium-99m(V) dimercaptosuccinic acid uptake of choroidal melanoma before and after Iodine-125 brachytherapy’. Aus NZ J Ophthalmol 26, 225-229 (1998)
9. Kıratlı P.Ö., Kıratlı, H., Ercan MT., ‘Visualization of orbital retinoblastoma with technetium-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid’ Annals of Nuclear Medicine 12, 157-159 (1998)
10. Kostakoğlu,L., Kıratlı P.Ö, Ruacan,Ş., Hayran, M., Emri, S., Ergün, E., Bekdik,C., ‘Association of tumor washout rates and accumulation of Tc-99m MIBI with expression of p-glycoprotein in lung cancer’, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39, 228-234 (1998)
11. L.Kostakoğlu,L., Güç, D., Canpınar, H., Kars, A., Alper, E., Kıratlı, P., Hayran, M., Gündüz,U., Kansu, E., ‘P-glycoprotein expressionby Tc-99m MIBI scintigraphy in hematologic malignancy’, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39, 1191-1197 (1998)
12. Caner,B., Oto, A., Övünç,K., Kıratlı, P., ‘Prediction of restenosis after succesful percutaneous coronary angioplasty by dobutamine thallium-201 scintigraphy’. International Journal of Cardiology 66, 175-181 (1998)
13. Kıratlı H, Taşan U, Kıratlı PÖ., Bekdik C. ‘Bilateral lacrimal sac fistulas in a patient with nasopharyngeal Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma’. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 35,177-178 (1998)
14. Kıratlı P.Ö., Peksoy,İ., Erbaş,B., Gedikoğlu,G., Karabulut, N., ‘Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake in ectopic parathyroid adenoma’, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 13, 113-115 (1999)
15. Kıratlı P.Ö., Çağlar, M., Bozkurt, F., ‘Unilateral abscence of pulmonary perfusion in Sweyer-James syndrome’ Clinical Nuclear Medicine 24, 706-707 (1999)
16. Peksoy, İ., Kıratlı P.Ö., Sarı, O., Erbaş, B., ‘Achalasia in a patient with scleroderma. False positive ectopic thyroid scintigraphy’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine 25,931 (2000)
17. Kıratlı P.Ö., Canpınar, H., Ş.Ruacan, Ş., Kansu, E., ‘Correlation of flow cytometric parameters and transferrin receptors with gallium-67 scintigraphic images in lymphoma patients’, Nuclear Medicine Communications 21,925-931 (2000) (Tez çalışması)
18. Kıratlı P.Ö., Gordon, I., Nagaraj, N., ‘Neonatal hypothyroid disease –Absent salivary gland evident on Tc-99m pertechnetate scan’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 26, 310-313 (2001)
19. Kıratlı P.Ö., Kıratlı, H., Bozkurt, F., Ercan, MT., Bilgiç, S., ‘Scintigraphic imaging of uveal melanoma with technetium-99m glutathione’ Nuclear Medicine Communications 22, 197-201 (2001)
20. Cetin, A., Sivri, A., Dinçer, F., Kıratlı, P.Ö., Ceylan, E., ‘Evaluation of chronic plantar fasciitis by scintigraphy and relation to clinical parameters’, Journal of Musculoskeletal pain. 9, 55-61, (2001)
21. Cindaş, A., Gökçe-Kutsal, Y., Kıratlı P.Ö., Caner, B., ‘Scintigraphic evaluation of synovial inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis with Tc-99m labelled human polyclonal immunglobulin G.’ Rheumatology International 20, 71-79 (2001)
22. Beylergil,V., Kiratli P.Ö., ‘False impression of positive Meckel’s scintigraphy due to ectopic cross fused kidneys’ Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 26, 894 (2001)
23. Kiratli P.Ö., Caner, B., Altun, B., Çekirge, S., ‘Superiority of Tc-99m MAG3 to Tc-99m DTPA in treating a patient with mild renal artery stenosis’ Annals of Nuclear Medicine 15, 45-48 (2001)
24. Kıratlı P.Ö., Erbaş, B., Özen, H., Koçak, N., ‘Tc-99m dextran scintigraphy in the diagnosis of protein losing enteropathy’, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 15, 153-155 (2001)
25. Ceylan E, Kıratlı, P.Ö., ‘Rotation Anomaly in duplex kidney’ Clinical Nuclear Medicine 26, 352-353 (2001)
26. Ceylan E, Kiratli P.Ö., ‘Scintigraphic visualization of renal fusion anomalies in suspected abdominal mass’, Clinical Nuclear Medicine 27, 927-928 (2002)
27. Volkan,B., Ceylan,E., Kıratlı, P.Ö, ‘Radionuclide imaging of rare congenital renal fusion anomalies’ Clinical Nuclear Medicine 28, 204-207 (2003)
28. M.W.Graves, M.W.,Kıratlı, P.Ö., Mozley,D., Palevsky,H., Zukerberg, B., Alavi, A., ‘Scintigraphic diagnosis of a right to left shunt in end stage lung disease’ Respiratory Medicine, 97, 549-554 (2003)
29. Kıratlı, P.Ö, Volkan, B., ‘Testing different storage conditions for Tc-99m MAG3 kit: Is it possible to reduce the cost for unit dose by hot fractioning?’. J Nuc Med Tech, 31, 74-75 (2003).
30. Hutchinson,C., Beckett,M., Kıratlı, P.Ö., Gordon, I, Trompeter, RS., Rees.L., ‘The significance of a defect on DMSA scan in children with renal transplants’, Pediatric transplantation,7: 441-445 (2003).
31. Mahmoudian B, Ozgen Kiratli P, Tuncel M, Bozkurt F. Selected intra-arterial injection of Tc-99m MDP. Rev Esp Med Nucl. 2004 Jul-Aug;23(4):284-5 (2004)
32. Kiratli PO, Ceylan E, Naldöken S, Beylergil V. Impaired Tc-99m MIBI uptake in the thyroid and parathyroid glands during early phase imaging in hemodialysis patients. Rev Esp Med Nucl. 23(5):347-51 (2004).
33. Kiratli PO, Kara PP, Ergün EL, Gedikoğlu G. Metastatic insular thyroid carcinoma: visualized on Tc-99m pertechnetate, Tc-99m MDP and iodine-131 scintigraphy; a review of the literature for other radionuclide agents. Ann Nucl Med. ;18(5):443-6 (2004).
34. Salanci B.V., Kıratlı P.O., Ceylan E.Role of scintigraphy in congenital thyroid anomalies. Turk J Pediatr. 47(4):364-368 (2005)..
35. Gedik G. K., Kıratlı PO., Taşcıoğlu B., Aras T. Comparison of Bone Scintigraphy with Serum Tumor Markers of CA 15-3 and CEA in Patients with Breast Carcinoma. Saudi Medical Journal. 27(3):317-322 (2006).
36. Atalay A, Inanici F., Volkan B., Kiratli P., Oznur A. Management of the stress fracture of the tibia using expandable intramedullary nail in a patient with osteoarthritis and osteomalacia. The Pain Clinic 18 (4): 267-371 (2006).
37. Kıratlı PO, Gordon I. DMSA Findings in the Evaluation of Paediatric Renal Allograft, Turkish J Pediatrics. 2006; 48(4):328-333 (2006)
38. Ergun EL, Kiratli PO, Ceylan E., Erbas B. A Report on the Incidence of Incidental Tc-99m MDP uptake of bone scans along with a review of the literature. Nuc Med Comm. 27(11): 877-885 (2006).
39. Tuncel M., Kiratli P.O., Mahmodian B. Behcet’s disease with Intrapulmonary shunt. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 31 (3) 181-182,(2006).
40. Gedik GK, Kiratli PO, Erbas B. Visualization of Gallbladder with In-111 labeled Octreotide in postprandial state. Annals of Nuc Med. 20: 557-560 (2006).
41. Salanci B.V., Kıratlı P.Ö, Demir A., Selçuk T. Risk Factors for Pulmonary Thromboembolism in Patients from a University Hospital. Saudi Medical Journal 28(4):477-481 (2007).
42. Kıratlı PO. Gallium imaging in a Patient with Tumour Lysis Syndrome. Clin Nucl Med. 32 (7):578-9 (2007).
43. Bozkurt MF, Aksoy T, Kiratli PO. Incidental Detection of Hepatic Hepatoma on Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med. 33(8):573-576 (2008).
44. Caglar M., Kiratli PO., Karabulut E. Inter and intraobserver variability of Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy: Impact of oblique views. J Nuc Med Tech., 35(2): 96-99, 2007.
45. Kıratlı PO, Erbaş B. A Possible Cause of Misinterpretation on Radionuclide Imaging: Chilaiditi’s Syndrome. Rev. Esp Med Nuc, 26 (1): 46-50, (2007) .
46. Tuncel M, Kiratli PO. Vascular Retention of Tc99m pertechnetate and Tc99m sestamibi mimicking thyroid carcinoma metastases. Rev. Esp Med Nuc 26 (4): 226-229, (2007) .
47. Canter HI, Kayikcioglu A, Aydintay B, Kiratli PO, Benli K, Taner T, Erk Y. Mandibular Reconstruction in Goldenhar Syndrome Utilizing Temporalis Muscle Osteofacial Flap. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 19 (1): 165-170 (2008).
48. Kiratli PO., Orhan D., Gedik G. K., Tekgul S. The Relation between Radionuclide Imaging and Pathologic Findings of the Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Neonatal Hydronephrosis. Scan J Urol and Nephrol. 42 (3): 249-256 (2008).
49. Kiratli PO., Bozkurt FM. Assessment of Cardiac Parameters Using Gated Myocardial Perfusion and Echocardiography in Children. Cardiol Young. 15: 1-7 (2008).
50. Kiratli PO., Tuncel M, Çağlar M, Ozkutlu S. Gated Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy in Children with Myocarditis: Can it be Considered as an Indicator of Clinical Outcome? Nuclear Medicine Comm. 29: 907-919 (2008).
51. Aksoy T, Kiratli P.O. 99mTc-hexakis methoxy isobutyl isonitrile uptake patterns in nursing mothers and related dosimetry Hell Nucl Med. 11 (2): 125-126, (2008).
52. Kıratlı PO, Gedik Gonca K. Thyroid Uptake Measurements with I-131: Problems and Pitfalls. Hell Nucl Med 11(3):187-188 (2008).
53. Kiratli PO., Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF, Orhan D. Detection of Ectopic Gastric Mucosa using Tc99m Pertechnetate: Review of the Literature. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 23: 97-105 (2009).
54. Bozkurt MF, Kiratli PO., Konyali D, Metin F. Inter and Intraoperator Relıabılıty and Reproducıbılıty In Qualıty Control Of Tc99m Mag3 Instant Kıt" Hellenic J Nucl Med, 12 (1): 59-62, (2009).
55. Tuncel M., Topbasi Z., Ozgen Kiratli P. Butterfly Vertebra: A Diagnostic Pitfall on Bone Scintigraphy. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 35:293-4 (2010).
56. Caglar M, Kara M, Aksoy T, Ozgen Kiratli P, Karabulut E, Dogan R. Is the predicted postoperative FEV1 Estimated by Planar lung perfusion Scintigraphy Accurate in Patients Undergoing Pulmonary Resection? Comparison of two processing methods. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, Ann Nucl Med. 2010 Jul;24(6):447-53.
57. Kiratli PO, Demir AU, Salanci BV, Demir B, Sahin A. Cerebral blood flow and cognitive function in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Hell J Nucl Med, May-Aug;13(2):138-43.2010
58. Tuncel M, Kiratli PO, Gedikoglu G. SPECT-CT imaging of poliostotic fibrous dysplasia.
Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol. 2012 Jan-Feb;31(1):47-8.
59. Tuncel M, Kıratlı PO, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF.Gastroesophageal reflux scintigraphy: interpretation methods and inter-reader agreement. World J Pediatr. 2011 Aug;7(3):245-9.
60. Aksoy T, Kiratli PO, Erbas B. Correlations between histopathologic and scintigraphic parameters of salivary glands in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. Clin Rheumatol. 2012 Sep;31(9):1365-70.
61. Ozdemir D, Dagdelen S, Kiratli P, Tuncel M, Erbas B, Erbas T.
Changing clinical characteristics of thyroid carcinoma at a single center from Turkey: before and after the Chernobyl disaster. Minerva Endocrinol. 2012 Sep;37(3):267-74
62. Kiratli PO, Volkan-Salanci B, Günay EC, Varan A, Akyüz C, Büyükpamukçu M.
Thyroid cancer in pediatric age group: an institutional experience and review of the literature.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2013 Mar;35(2):93-7
63. Volkan-Salanci B, Aksoy H, Kiratli PÖ, Tülümen E, Güler N, Öksüzoglu B, Tokgözoğlu L, Erbaş B, Alikaşifoğlu M. The relationship between changes in functional cardiac parameters following anthracycline therapy and carbonyl reductase 3 and glutathione S transferase Pi polymorphisms.J Chemother. 2012 Oct;24(5):285-91.
64. Quantitative sacroiliac scintigraphy for pediatric patients: comparison of two methods.
Bozkurt MF,Kiratli P. Ann Nucl Med. 2014 Apr;28(3):227-31.
65. T SOYER, İ YAMAN BAJİN, D ORHAN, B YALÇIN, P ÖZGEN KIRATLI, İ.KARNAK Secretory Breast Carcınoma In A 6-Year-Old Gırl: Mastectomy Wıth Sentınel Lymph Node Dıssectıon Pediatric Surgery International, basımda 2015.
66. Volkan-Salancı B, Kıratlı PÖ. Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Diseases in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients. Mol Imaging Radionucl Ther. 2015 Jun 5;24(2):47-5967. Kiratli PÖ, Tuncel M, Bar-Sever Z. Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric and Adolescent Tumors.Semin Nucl Med. 2016 Jul;46(4):308-23.
68. Akin S, Noyan S, Dagdelen S, Pasaoglu I, Kaynaroglu V, Askun MM, Bilen CY, Kiratli H, Baydar DE, Onder S, Sokmensuer C, Aytemir K, Erkin G, Kiratli PO, Alikasifoglu M, Erbas T.Unusual presentations of Carney Complex in patient with a novel PRKAR1A mutation. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2017 Aug;38(4):248-254
B. Uluslararası Kongre ve Toplantılarda Sunumlar
1. Viswamitra, S., Steinfeld, E., Özgen, P., Alavi,A. , Slipman, C., Vresilovic, E., Goyal, M., ‘The role of SPECT imaging in the evaluation of low back pain’. 42nd Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Minesota, Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 36, 236, 1995.
2a. Goyal,M., Özgen, P., Alavi, A., Palevsky, H., ‘Radiographic and scintigraphic evaluation of lung transplant patients. 42nd Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Minesota, Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 36, 251,1995
2b. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Brüksel, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 22, 937, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1995.
3. Alavi, A., Goyal, M., Özgen, P., Palevsky, H., ‘Is the autoregulation responsible for V/Q match (decreased perfusion in response to decresed ventilation) confined to the lung?’ 42nd Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Minesota, Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 36,5, 1995.
4. Kim, CK., Goyal, M., San Pedro, E., Özgen, P., Alavi, A., ‘The effect of CCK pretreatment on delayed or morphine augmented imaging’ 42nd Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Minesota, Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 36, 74, 1995.
5. B.Zukerberg, B., Tse, K., Buchpiguel, C., Özgen, P., Atlas, S., Howard, R., Alavi, A., ‘Comparison of dynamic thallium brain SPECT and MRI in the diagnosis of recurrent brain tumor from radiation necrosis’. 42nd Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Minesota, Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 36, 95-96, 1995.
6. Goyal, M., Özgen, P., Alavi, A., ‘Value of CCK pretreatment in morphine augmented cholescintigraphy for diagnosis of acute cholecystitis’. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress,Brüksel, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 22,922, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1995.
7. Özgen, P., Graves, M., Zukerberg, B., Goyal, M., Mozley, D., Palevsky, H., Alavi, A., ‘Value of preoperative ventilation perfusion scans in end stage lung disease for detection of right to left shunt’ European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress,Brüksel, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 22,937, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1995.
8. Elberfeld,G., Özgen, P., Graves, M., Alavi, A., ‘Further observations from PIOPED database: Distribution of V/Q mismatches in immobilized versus non-immobilized patients’ European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Brüksel, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 22,935, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1995.
9. Kostakoğlu, L., Kıratlı,PÖ., Elahi,N., Uzal, D., Baltalı, E., Uysal, U., Gülaldı, N., Uğur, Ö., Caner, B., Aras, T., Atahan, L., Bekdik, C., ‘Diagnostic potential of Tc-99m tetrofosmin in the detection of malignant tumors comparison of the results with Tl-201 imaging’. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Kopenhag, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 23,1214, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1996.
10. Caner, B., Uysal, U., Karanfil, A., Tokgözoğlu, L., Uğur,Ö., Özgen, P., Kes, S., Bekdik, C., ‘Beneficial effect of additional atropine injection during dobutamine infusion for myocardial perfusion SPECT’. III. International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, Floransa, J Nuclear Cardiology vol 4, 34,1997.
11a. Kıratlı, PÖ., Kostakoğlu,L., Ruacan, Ş., Canpınar, H., Kansu, E., Bekdik, C., ‘Correlation of flow cytometric parameters transferrin receptor expressions with Ga-67 SPECT images in lymphoma patients’. 1st Mediteranean Meeting of Nuclear Medicine Societies,İsrail, 1999
11b. XII. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- III. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 7, 62, Antalya, 1998.
12. Kiratli, PÖ., Ahmetoğlu, A., Demirkazık, FB., Bozkurt, F., Uğur, Ö., Caner, B., ‘Can spiral CT be a first choise diagnostic modality in the diagnosis of pulmonary tromboembolism?’ European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Barselona, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 26,1114, Springer Verlang, Berlin 1999.
13a. Kıratlı,PÖ., Erbaş, B., ‘Estimation of differential function in children with Tc-99m DMSA and Tc-99m DTPA’. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Paris, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 27, 1241, Springer Verlang, Berlin 2000.
13b. XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- IV. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 9, 65, İstanbul, 2000.
14.a. Kıratlı, PÖ., Kıratlı, H., Ercan, MT., Bozkurt, F., ‘Scintigraphic imaging of uveal melanoma with Tc-99m Glutathione’. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Paris, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 27,1141, Springer Verlang, Berlin 2000.
14.b. XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- IV. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 9, 103, İstanbul, 2000.
15. Kıratlı,PÖ., Gordon, I., ‘Neonatal hypothyroidism: Absent salivary gland accumulation of Tc-99m pertechnetate’. 28th Annual Meeting of BNMS, Brighton, Nucl Med Comm.vol 21, 389, 2000.
16. Çöplü, L., El-Jundi, O., Demir, A., Kıratlı, P., Demirkazık, F., Şahin, A., Artvinli, M., Incidence of acute pulmonart embolism in a university hospital in Ankara, Turkey 11th ERS Annual Congress, Berlin, European Respiratory Journal, vol 18, 381, 2001.
17. Kıratlı, PÖ., Ceylan, E., Beylergil, V., ‘Impaired Tc-99m MIBI uptake in the thyroid glands of patients with chronic renal failure’ European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Viyana, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 29, 297, Springer Verlang, Berlin 2002.
18. Volkan, B., Kıratlı, PÖ., Demir, A., Selcuk, T., Artvinli, M., ‘The impact of the risk factors for high probability ventilation/perfusion scans’. 12th ERS Annual Congress, Stokholm, European Respiratory Journal, vol 20, 238, 2002.
19. B.Volkan, B., Kıratlı, PÖ., Demir, A., Selcuk, T., Artvinli, M., ‘Does pulmonary embolism have a seasonal variation?’ 12th ERS Annual Congress, Stokholm, European Respiratory Journal, vol 20, 240, 2002.
20. Kıratlı, PÖ., Ceylan E., ‘Thyroid carcinoma in children and adolescents’. 4th European Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Symposium, İspanya, Abstract book, 2003.
21. Volkan, B., Ceylan, E., Kıratlı, PÖ., ‘Radionuclide imaging of rare congenital renal fusion anomalies’ 4th European Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Symposium, İspanya, Abstract book, 2003.
22. Volkan, B., Kıratlı, PÖ., Ceylan, E., Kara, G., Erbaş, B.,‘Concordance of ventilation/Perfusion scintigraphy and high resolution computerized tomography in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. A retrospective study. 50th Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, New Orleans, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 44 p: 354, 2003
23. Kıratlı, PÖ., Volkan, B., Demir, A., Demir, B., Şahin, A., ‘Correlation of brain perfusion and cognitive functions in sleep apnea patients: A study with Tc-99m HMPAO in sleep laboratory. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Amsterdam, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol 30, 302, Springer Verlang, Berlin, 2003.
24. Kiratli PO., Orhan D, Gedik GK., Tekgul S., Çaglar M., Akbal C. Can we predict the prognosis of surgery with radionuclide imaging and pathologic findings?. 52nd Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine, Toronto, Canada. Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 46, p: 78, 2005.
25. Kıratlı PO., Erbaş, B., Özdemir E., Koç Y. Predictive Value of Ga-67 Scintigraphy in Patients with Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, İstanbul, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol 32,126, 2005.
26. Kıratlı, PÖ., Caglar M, Erdogan I, Kutlu S. VALUE OF MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION SCINTIGRAPHY IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA a-European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Athens, 2006.
b- European Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Symposium, Spain, Abstract book, 2006.
a-European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Athens, 2006.
b-5th European Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Symposium, Spain, Abstract book, 2006.
28. Ergun EL., Kıratlı, PÖ., Erbaş B. A Report on the Incidence of Intestinal Tc99m MDP uptake on Bone Scan. Tc-99m MDP uptake in colon. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Athens, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 33 (2): 276, 2006.
29. Aksoy T., Kıratlı, PO., Erbaş B. Histopathologic and semiquantitave analysis of abnormal salivary glands in patients with Sjogren’s Syndrome. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Athens, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 33 (2): 367, 2006.
30. Kiratli P.,Tuncali M., Ozkutlu S. Detection of silent myocardial ischemia in children with familial hyperlipidemia by gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. 8th Conference on Nuclear Cardiology, Prag. J of Nuclear Cardiology,14 (2): 37, 2007
31. Tuncali M., Kara M., Aksoy T, Kiratli P., Dogan R. Are the predicted postoperative respiratory functions by perfusion scintigraphy reliable in patients undergoing pulmonary resection? SNM 54th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC J Nucl Med , 2007
32. Tuncali M., Kiratli P. ,Karabulut E.. Inter and intra variability of Tc-99m DMSA renal scintigraphy in children: Impact of oblique views. SNM 54th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. J Nucl Med, 2007
33. Kiratli PO, Bozkurt MF. Reproducibility of measurements of left ventricular function with gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and comparison to echocardiography in pediatric patients. 8th Conference on Nuclear Cardiology, Prag. J of Nuclear Cardiology,14 (2): 39, 2007
34.Kiratli PO,. Gedik GK, Ozkutlu S. Correlation of coronary computed tomography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in paediatric patients. 8th Conference on Nuclear Cardiology, Prag. J of Nuclear Cardiology,14 (2): 6, 2007
35. Kiratli PO, Velipasaoglu ZH. Do we really need to perform geometric mean assessment on Tc99m DMSA scintigraphy in pediatric patients? European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Copenhagen. EJNM 34(2): 250, 2007.
36. Aksoy T, Topbasi-Velipasaoglu Z, Bozkurt M, Kiratli P., Erbas B. Diuresis Renogram in Children with Gravity-assitted and Delayed Images. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress Copenhagen. EJNM 34(2): 250, 2007.
37. Topbasi-Velipasaoglu Z, Aksoy T, Bozkurt F, Kiratli P., Topaloglu R, Duzova A., Ozaltin F, Haliloglu M., Ozen S., Bakkaloglu A., Erbas B. Age-group Differences in The Predictive Value of Vesicoureteric Reflux To Estimate Renal Damage in Children. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress Copenhagen. EJNM 34(2): 249-250, 2007.
38. Bilginer Y., Bozkurt F, Kiratli P, Erbaş B, Balkancı F, Besbas N. Captopril renography for the differential diagnosis of hypertension in children: Correlation with Radiologic Methods. 14th Congress IPNA; Budapest. Pediatr Nephrol 22: 1502, 2007.
39. Tuncel M., Aksoy T., Bozkurt MF., Kiratli P. The efficiency of currently introduced interpretation methods in the evaluation of gastroesophagial reflux (GER) scintigraphy. 55th Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, New Orleans. J Nucl Med. 49(1): 38-9, 2008.
40. Aydin HI, Düzova A, Dursun A, Sivri S, Tokatli A, Bakkaloglu A, Coskun T, Kiratli P., Aksoy T Renal Functions Of Twenty Seven Children With Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA): Is There a Good Marker? 42nd Annual ESPN meeting. Pediatr Nephrol 23: 1587, 2008.
41. Bozkurt MF, Kiratli PO, Konyali D, Metin F. Inter And Intraoperator Relıabılıty In Qualıty Control Of Tc99m-Mag3 Instant Kıt Reconstıtutıon. 55th Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, New Orleans. J Nucl Med. 49 (1): 305-6, 2008.
42.Bozkurt MF, Kiratli PO. Interoperator Variability in Measurements of Left Ventricular Function with Different Gated Myocardial Perfusion Software Programs in Pediatric Patients, European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Munich, European J Nucl Med Mol Imaging.35 (S2): S250, 2008
43. Kiratli PO, Tuncel M, Caglar M, Ozkutlu S. Gated MPS in Children with Myocarditis: Can it be Considered as an Indicator of Clinical Outcome? European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Munich European J Nucl Med Mol Imaging.35 (S2): S245, 2008
44. Caglar M, Kara M, Aksoy T, Kiratli P, Ayhan R. Are The predicted postoperative respiratory functions by perfusion scintigraphy reliable in patients undergoing pulmonary resection. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Munich, European J Nucl Med Mol Imaging.35 (S2): S202, 2008 .
45. Mehmet Aslan, Murat Tuncel, Ebru Yalçın, Berna Oğuz, Mehmet Köse, Deniz Doğru, Mithat Haliloğlu, Nural Kiper, Uğur Özçelik, Pınar Kıratlı “Correlation between respiratory function tests, scintigraphy and high-resolution computed tomography findings in patients with cystic fibrosis” Poster sunumu, 31st European CF Conference, 11-14 Haziran 2008, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti
46.Volkan Salanci B., Tülümen E, Kiratli PO, Öksüzoğlu B, Güler N, Tokgözoğlu L, Erbas B, Alikasifoglu M. The Relation Between The Change of Functional Cardiac Parameters and single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Glutathione S Transferase P1 and carbonyl Reductase 3 genes after Doxorubicin Chemotherapy. 15th ECCO and 34th ESMO Multidiciplinary CongressBerlin, 2009. EJC Vol 7: 107, 2009.
47. Kıratli PO; Tuncel m; Temelli B, Akdoğan A. Role of Ventilation Perfusion Scintigraphy in the evaluation of Pulmonary hypertension EANM, Vienna 2010, Eur. J Nucl Med 37(2): 198, 2010
48. PO Kıratlı, E Ceylan Günay, M.Büyükpamukçu. Thyroid Cancer in Pediatric Age Group: An Institutional Experience. EANM, Vienna 2010, Eur. J Nucl Med 37(2):460, 2010
49. TUNCEL M, KUTLUK T, ÖZGEN KIRATLI P, AYDIN B, ERBAŞ B, AKYÜZ C. FDG PET-CT parameters in the therapy evaluation of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 43, 204, 2016
50. TUNCEL M, ÖZGEN KIRATLI P, KUPİK O, ERBAŞ B. Practical measures of dynamic 18 FDG time activity curves, 28th EANM, 2015
51. ÖZGEN KIRATLI P, TUNCEL M, AYDIN B, AKYÜZ C, KUTLUK T, ERBAŞ B. value of fdg pet ct in the therapy evaluation of hodgkin s lymphoma, 28th EANM, 2015
52. TUNCEL M, ÖZGEN KIRATLI PINAR, KUPİK O, ERBAŞ B, DEMİRKAZIK F, ALTUNDAĞ K, AKPINAR M. Predictive value of dynamic abd dual phase 18FDG PET CT parameters in the assessment of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer. A comparative study with dynamic contrast enhanced MRI, 28th EANM, 2015
53. TUNCEL M, KUPİK O,ÖZGEN KIRATLI P, ERBAŞ B. Time dependent reduction of liver FDG18 activity in dual phase 18FDG PET CT study. 28th EANM, 2015
C. Kitap Bölüm Yazarlıkları
1. Kiratli P.Ö., Uğur Ö. Targetted radionuclide therapy in gastroenteropancreatic tumours. In Neuroendocrine Tumours of Gastroenteropancreatic System.Ed:Prof.Suayip Yalcin.p: 309-317, 2006
2. Kiratli P.Ö., Erbaş B. Geriatrik hastalarda Nükleer Tıp Yaklaşımlar, Temel Geriatri, sf: 1375-1385, 2007
3. Çelebioğlu E, Kıratlı P, Çöplü L. Pulmoner Emboli Tanısında Ventilasyon /Perfüzyon Sintigrafisi, 2015
D. Ulusal Yayınlar
1. M.T.Ercan, MT., Ünlenen, E., Özgen, P., ‘Comparison of Tc-99m DTPA and Tc-99m HIG for the visualization of experimental abscesses’ Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2: 64-68 (1993).
2. Kıratlı PÖ., Erbaş, B., ‘Hiatal hernia and deudenal ulcer; mimicking metastatic thyroid carcinama in whole body I-131 scan’. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine 6: 66-67 (1997).
3. Kıratlı PÖ., Erbaş, B., Bekdik., C., ‘Incidental detection of iliopsoas abscess on three phase bone scintigraphy’ Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine 6: 207-209 (1997).
4. Kıratlı PÖ., Goyal, M., Alavi, A., ‘Uptake and retention of Xenon-133 in the thorasic spine may suggest hypoplastic marrow and anemia’ Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine 6, 178-180 (1997).
5. Aras, T., Kıratlı, PÖ., Sarı, O., Güler, N., ‘Diferansiye tiroid karsinomlu hastalarda I-131 tedavisinin etkinliği’. Genel Tıp Dergisi 11, 77-80 (2001).
6. A.Ahmetoğlu, A., Demirkazık, FB., Oran, M., Oto, A., Kıratlı, PÖ., Selçuk, T., ‘Pulmoner emboli tanısında spiral BT’. Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Dergisi. 8, 57-62 (2002)
7. Kıratlı, PÖ., ‘Pediatrik yaş grubunda Renal Kortikal Sintigrafi’. Türkiye Klinikleri 2003
8. Kiratli P.Ö., Erbaş B. Pediatrik Onkolojide Nükleer Tıbbın Rolü, Katkı Dergisi, 2005
9. Kiratli P.Ö., Erbaş B. Pediatrik Hasta Grunda Nefroürolojide Nükleer Tıp Uygulamaları, Katkı Dergisi, 2005
10. Kiratli P.Ö. Geriatrik hastalarda koroner arter hastalığının değerlendirilmesinde myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisinin rolü- Türk Geriatri dergisi Ocak 2005
11. Kıratlı PÖ. Pulmoner Tromboemboli tanısında Radyonüklid Görüntülemenin Yeri, 2007 ; 8 (1): 41-46
12. Kıratlı PO, Erbaş B, Tamer. How Soon Should We Perform A Thyroid Scan For Residuel Tissue After Thyroidectomy?, Endokrinolojide Diyalog, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, 2007
13. Kıratlı PO, Erbaş B, Tamer. Amiodarone Induced Thyroid Function Abnormalities Endokrinolojide Diyalog, Endokrinolojide Diyalog, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, 2007
14. Kiratli PO, Erbas B, Ozdemir E, Koc Y. ‘Is There A Predictive Role for Ga-67 SPECT Scintigraphy in Patients with Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation?’. Turkish Journal of Cancer ,37 (2): 54-58, 2007
15. Salancı VB, Kiratli PO. Thyroid Diseases in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients and Nuclear Medicine. MIRT, 2015
E. Ulusal Kongre ve Toplantılarda Sunumlar
1. U.Uysal, U., Kostakoğlu, L., Özyar, E., Elahi, N., Caner, B., Kıratlı, PÖ., Aras, T., Uğur, Ö., Atahan, L., Bekdik, C., ‘Evaluating response to therapy with Tl-201 and Tc-99m MIBI SPECT in patients with nasophareneal carcinoma’. X. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- II. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 5, 96, İstanbul, 1996.
2. Kostakoğlu, L., Kıratlı, PÖ., Güler, N., Gedik, O., Uğur, Ö., Elahi, N., Caner, B., Aras, T., Çağlar, M., Bekdik, C., ‘Effectiveness of I-131 treatment in patients with thyroid carcinoma experience of Hacettepe University Medical Centre’. X. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- II. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 5, 116, İstanbul, 1996.
3. L.Kostakoğlu, L, Kıratlı, PÖ., Elahi, N., Uzal, D., Baltalı, E., Uysal,U., Gülaldı, N., Uğur, Ö., Caner, B., Aras, T., Atahan, L., Bekdik, C., ‘Diagnostic potential of Tc-99m tetrofosmin in the detection of malignant tumors comparison of the results with Tl-201 imaging’ . X. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- II. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 5, 103, İstanbul, 1996.
4. Aydın,M., Kıratlı, PÖ., Sarı, O., Aras, T., Çağlar, M., ‘Soliter böbrekte renovasküler hipertansiyon tanısında kaptopril böbrek sintigrafisinin yeri’ I. Ulusal hipertansiyon ve böbrek hastalıkları kongresi,Kongre kitabı, Antalya, 1999.
5. Sarı,O., Kıratlı, PÖ., Çağlar, M., Aydın, M., ‘Yeterli hidrasyonun kaptopril böbrek sintigrafisindeki yeri’. I. Ulusal hipertansiyon ve böbrek hastalıkları kongresi,Kongre kitabı, Antalya, 1999..
6. Sarı,O., Kıratlı, PÖ., Aras, T., ‘The efficiency of I-131 treatment in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- IV. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 9, 109, İstanbul, 2000.
7. Kıratlı, PÖ., Gordon, I., Hutchinson, C., ‘DMSA findings in the evaluation of paediatric renal allografts’ XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- IV. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 9, 142, İstanbul, 2000.
8. Kıratlı, PÖ., P.Anderson, Gordon, I., ‘High quality static images –some important acquisition parameters’ XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi- IV. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 9, 152, İstanbul, 2000.
9. Atalay, A., İnanıcı, F., Volkan, B., Kıratlı, P., ‘Oblik tibial stress kırığı: Diz osteoartritli ve osteomalazili bir olgu sunumu’. XVIII.Ulusal Fiziksel Tıp ve rehabilitasyon kongresi, Antalya, Program ve Özet kitabı, 101, 2001.
10. Kara, G., Kıratlı, PÖ., Volkan, B., Mahmodian, B., Bozkurt, F., ‘Gastroözefagial reflü saptanmasında tutarlılık’ XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 10, 39, Gaziantep, 2001.
11. Tuncel, M., Kıratlı, PÖ., Erbaş, B., ‘Çift toplayıcı sistem morfolojisindeki böbreklerin Tc-99m DMSA ile değerlendirilmesinde izlenen görüntüler’ . XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 10, 39, Gaziantep, 2001.
12. Beylergil, V., Volkan, B., Kıratlı, PÖ., Erbaş, B., ‘Tc-99m MAG3 kitlerinin optimum saklama koşullarının belirlenmesi’ XIV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 10, 39, Gaziantep, 2001.
13. Naldoken, S., Kıratlı, P., Kıratlı, H., Ortapamuk, H., Imaging of uveal melanoma with Tc-99m HIG scintigraphy?. XV. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi - V. International Nuclear Oncology Meeting. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 11, 45, Kuşadası, 2002.
14. Özcan, PP., Kıratlı, PÖ., Ceylan, E., ‘Galyum sintigrafisinde meme tutulumunun önemi’. XVI. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine cilt 12, 81, Samsun, 2003.
15. Gedik G.K., Kıratlı PÖ., Aras T. , Taşcıoğlu B. Meme kanserli olgularda kemik sintigrafisinin tümör belirleyicilerinin karşılaştırılması IX. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi 14-16 Eylül 2005, İzmir.
16. Kıratlı, P., Erbaş B., Özdemir E., Koç Y. Otolog kemik iliğine giden lenfoma hastalarının prognozunu belirlemede Ga-67 Rolü IX. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi 14-16 Eylül 2005, İzmir.
17. Gedik GK, Kıratlı PO, Özkutlu S., Pediatrik hastalarda myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi ve BT anjiografinin karşılaştırılması. Turkish J Nuclear Medicine, 2006.
18. P.Ö.Kıratlı, E.Özdemir, O.Uğur, İ. Barışta, .Haznedar, non-hodgkin lenfomada yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan ile radyoimmünoterapi. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Antalya, Nisan 2007.
19. H.I.Aydın, T.Aksoy, A. Duzova, P. O. Kiratli, S. Sivri, A. Dursun, A. Tokatli, T. Coskun DMSA scintigraphy in early diagnosis of renal involvement in patients with methylmalonic acidemia. XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007
20. F.Bozkurt, P.Ö.Kıratlı , A. Duzova, F.T. Aki, Y. Bilginer, T. Hazirolan, B. Erbas,
M. Bakkaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu. Functional assessment of pediatric transplant patients from adult donors: Use of Scintigraphy and renal doppler ultrasound in the follow-up.XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007
21. Z.Velipaşaoğlu, P.Ö.Kıratlı. Do we really need to perform geometric mean assessment?. XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007
22. T. Aksoy, Z. Topbasi, M. F. Bozkurt, M. Haliloglu, P. Kiratli, R. Topaloglu, B. Erbas Diuresis renography in children with gravity assisted and delayed images. XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007
23. Z. Topbasi, T. Aksoy, M. F. Bozkurt, M. Haliloglu, P. Kiratli, B. Erbas. Primary vesicoureteric reflux as a predictor of renal damage in children. XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007.
24. F.Bozkurt,Y. Bilginer, P. Kiratli, B. Erbas, N. Besbas. Technical comparison of non-invasive imaging modalities for the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension in pediatric patients: common pitfalls and drawbacks XIII.ISCORN Antalya, Mayıs 2007.
25. Gedik GK, Kıratlı PO, Özkutlu S., Pediatrik hastalarda myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi ve BT anjiografinin karşılaştırılması. Turkish J Nuclear Medicine, 2006.
26. Mehmet Aslan, Murat Tuncel, Ebru Yalçın, Berna Oğuz, Mehmet Köse, Deniz Doğru, Mithat Haliloğlu, Nural Kiper, Uğur Özçelik, Pınar Kıratlı “Kistik fibrosisli hastalarda, solunum fonksiyon testleri, sintigrafi ve yüksek çözünürlüklü bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması”, Mini Sempozyum sunumu, Türk Toraks Derneği 11.Yıllık Kongresi, 23-27 Nisan 2008, Antalya, Türkiye.
27. Mehmet Aslan, Ebru Yalçın, Murat Tuncel, Mehmet Köse, Nazan Çobanoğlu, Berna Oğuz, Mithat Haliloğlu, Uğur Özçelik, Pınar Kıratlı. “Kistik fibrozisli çocuklarda klinik izlemde pletismografi-solunum fonksiyon testlerine ventilasyon/perfüzyon sintigrafisi ve yüksek rezolüsyonlu toraks bilgisayarlı tomografi tetkiklerinin katkısının araştırılması”, Sözlü Sunum, 2.sözlü sunum ödülü, 5. Ulusal Çocuk Solunum Yolu Hastalıkları Kongresi, 4-6 Mayıs 2008, Adana, Türkiye
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