Name Surname:
Şerife Gül Öz
General Internal Medicine
High School Graduate from T.E.D. Ankara College, Ankara, 1975.
General Practitioner, University of Ankara. Degree obtained in June, 1981.
Specialized in Internal Medicine at University of Hacettepe. Degree obtained in September 1985.
Course on "Occupational Medicine", Sept 1990- December 1990, held by The Occupational Health and Medical Education Divisions of The Turkish Medical Association.
Associate professorship. Degree obtained in December 2007
Professorship. Degree obtained in September 2013
Compulsary service as an internal medicine specialist (State Hospital of Havza, a small town in the borders of Samsun City, rural part of Turkey) from October 1985 until January 1988.
Internal Medicine practice at Internal Medicine Department of Turkish Health and Cure Foundation Hospital from February 1988 until February 1989.
Director in the Health Unit of OSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center) from September 1989 until December 2002.
Employee Physician in I.B.M. Turkey- Ankara from August 1990 until November 2002.
Private Practice as Internal Medicine specialist from February 1989 untill December 2002.
Undergraduate and graduate level lecturer in General Internal Medicine Unit of Internal Medicine Department at Hacettepe University Medical School, from January 2003 untill December 2007.
Associate professor in General Internal Medicine Unit of Internal Medicine Department at Hacettepe University Medical School, from December 2007 untill September 2014.
Professor in General Internal Medicine Unit of Internal Medicine Department at Hacettepe University Medical School, since September 2014.
Turkish Ministry of Health, General Directorate Private Hospitals Technical Commision, 2005
Researcher in “Establishment of Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis” (Hacettepe University Research Fund Project, 2002-)
Assistant researcher in “ Double blind, randomized, multicentered, parallel grouped, phase III study in which the efficacy, tolerability and safety of valsartan/amlodipin 160/5 combination against amlodipin 10 mg was evaluated in patients with essential hypertension in whom proper management could not be achieved by Amlodipin 5 mg alone.”
Assistant researcher in “Grouped randomized study in cardiovascular risk factor management: Standard treatment versus Caduet in clinical practice in patients with hypertension and additional cardiovascular risk factors, phase IV study, protocol no. A3841047” (international, multicenter projects 2007- ).
Member of The Turkish Internal Medicine Society since 1987
Member of Hacettepe Internal Medicine Education and Social Solidarity Society since 2004
Member of The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) since 2004.
Oz SG, Tozlu M, YalcIn SS, Sozen T, Guven GS. “Mercury vapor inhalation and poisoning of a family”, Inhalation Toxicology, 24(10): 652–658 (2012)
Durusu TanrIover M, Bora Tatar G, Uluturk TD, Dayangac Erden D, TanrIover A, KIlIcarslan A, Oz SG, Erdem Yurter H, Sozen T, SaIn Guven G. “Evaluation of the effects of vitamin D receptor and estrogen receptor 1 gene polymorphisms on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women”, Clin Rheumatol. 29(11):1285-93, (2010). Epub 2010 Aug 10.
Fentoğlu O, SOzen T, Oz S, Kale B, SOnmez Y, OztUrk Tonguç M, GUrgan C, Aykaç Y, Kırzıoğlu F. “Short-term effects of periodontal therapy as an adjunct to anti-lipemic treatment”, Oral Dis, 16(7):648-54, (2010)
TANRIOVER MD, OZ SG, TANRIOVER A, KILICARSLAN A, TURKMEN E, GUVEN GS, SARACBASI O, TOKGOZOGLU M, SOZEN T. “Hip fractures in a developing country: Osteoporosis frequency, predisposing factors and treatment costs”, Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 50(3):e13-8, (2010).
TANRIOVER MD, OZ SG, SOZEN T, KILICARSLAN A, GUVEN GS. “Pregnancy- and lactation-associated osteoporosis with severe vertebral deformities: Can strontium ranelate be a new alternative for the treatment ?”, Spine J, 9(4):e20-4, (2009).
FENTOĞLU Ö, ÖZ G, TAŞDELEN P, USKUN E, AYKAÇ Y, BOZKURT FY. “Periodontal status in subjects with hyperlipidemia”, J Periodontol, 80(2):267-73, (2009).
ONAL IK, ALTUN B, ONAL ED, KIRKPANTUR A, OZ SG, TURGAN C. “Serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in primary hypertension and effect of antihypertensive treatment”, Eur J Intern Med, (2008).
KILICARSLAN A, YAVUZ B, GUVEN GS, ATALAR E, SAHINER L, BEYAZIT Y, KEKILLI M, OZER N, OZ G, HAZNEDAROGLU IC, SOZEN T. “Fenofibrate improves endothelial function and decreases thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor concentration in metabolic syndrome”, Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, 19:310–314, (2008)
OZ SG, EMRI S, BILGEN SA. “Development of interferon induced sarcoidosis in a patient with familial mediterranean fever”, Tuberk Toraks, 56(3):319-24, (2008).
OZ SG, FENTOGLU O, KILICARSLAN A, GUVEN GS, TANRIOVER MD, AYKAC Y, SOZEN T. “Benefical Effects of Periodontal Treatment on Metabolic Control of Hypercholesterolemia”, Southern Medical Journal, 100, 686-691, (2007).
KILICASLAN A, ISıLDAK M, GUVEN GS, OZ SG, HASBAY A, KARABULUT E, SOZEN T. “The influence of ballet training on bone mass in Turkish ballet dancers”, Endocrinologist, 17, 85-88, (2007).
OZ SG, GUVEN GS, KILICARSLAN A, CALIK N, BEYAZIT Y, SOZEN T. “Evaluation of bone metabolism and bone mass in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus”, J Natl Med Assoc, 98, 1598-1604 (2006).
KİLİCASLAN A, ISİLDAK M, GUVEN GS, OZ SG, HASBAY A, KARABULUT E, SOZEN T. “The influence of ballet training on bone mass in Turkish ballet dancers”, Endocrinologist (Approved for publication/in editing) (2007).
“Decrements in the thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) levels in association with orlistat treatment in obesity”, Clin Appl Thromb Hemost, 12, 364-368 (2006).
KILICARSLAN A, ISILDAK M, GUVEN GS, OZ SG, TANRIOVER MD, DUMAN AE, SARACBASI O, SOZEN T. “Demographic, socioeconomic and educational aspects of obesity in an adult population”, J Natl Med Assoc, 98, 1313-1317 (2006).
GUVEN GS, CAKIR B, OZ G, TANRIOVER MD, TURKMEN E, SOZEN T. “Could Remembering The Prozone Phenomenon Shorthen Our Diagnostic Journey in Brucelosis? – A Case Of Brucella Spondylodiscitis”, Rheumatol Int, 26, 933-935 (2006).
GUVEN GS, ATALAR E, YAVUZ B, BEYAZIT Y, KEKILLI M, KILICARSLAN A, SAHINER L, OZ G, OZER N, AKSOYEK S, HAZNEDAROGLU IC, SOZEN T. “Simvastatin treatment improves endothelial function and increases fibrinolysis in patients with hypercholestrolemia”, J Natl Med Assoc, 98, 627-630 (2006).
DOGAN S, BEYAZIT Y, ALTINTAS ND, AKSU S, OZ SG, ISKIT AT, HAZNEDAROGLU IC. “Systemic toxocariasis presenting with leukemoid reaction and hypereosinophilia”, Am J Hematol, 79, 171 (2005).
TANRIÖVER MD, OZ ŞG. “Internal Medicine Education in Europe”, Turkish Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 12, Issue: 3, 149-154 (2005).
OZ ŞG, GÜVEN GS, KILIÇARSLAN A, İSKIT AT, SÖZEN T. “General Internal Medicine as a side branch of the Department of Internal Medicine”, Turkish Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 12, Issue: 3, 155-160 (2005).
OZ SG. “Basic Principles in Preoperative Evaluation”, “Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation”, Preoperative Evaluation from the Aspect of an Internal Medicine Specialist, Ed. Tumay Sozen MD, Gul Oz MD, Gulay Sain Guven MD, Page: 3-21, Hacettepe University Publications, Ankara, 2004.
OZ ŞG. “Aspartam: Discussion about its safety”, Journal of Ankara Medical School, Volume 56, Issue: 2, 113-120 (2003).
OZ ŞG, KILIÇASLAN A. “Subclinical Hyperthyroidism”, Journal of Ankara Medical School, Volume 25, Issue: 4, 191-198 (2003).
KURKCUOGLU N, OZ G. “Lichen planus after genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infection”, Dermatology, 191, 72-73 (1995).
DINCER SL, OZ G, DINCER SA, Yetkin İ. “Hypercoagulability and Disseminated intravascular coagulation”, Ankara Hospital Medical Bulletin, Volume 29, 101-106 (1994).
KURKCUOGLU N, TUĞLULAR T, OZ G. “Cimetidine prevents erythema multiforme”, Ann Allergy, 70, 180 (1993).
KURKCUOGLU N, OZ G. “Calcium Channel Antagonists for Psoriasis”, Doğa – Tr J of Medical Sciences, Volume 18, 59 – 60 (1993).
KURKCUOGLU N, OZ G. “Serum aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen in the management of methotrexate-induced fibrogenesis”, J Am Acad Dermatol, 7, 139 (1992).
DINCER SL, OZ G, DINCER SA. “Thalassemia, zinc deficiency, and sexual dysfunction in women”, Hosp Pract, 27, 35 (1992).
DINCER S, OZ SG. “Zinc deficiency and male infertility”, Hosp Pract, 25, 20 (1990).
KURKCUOGLU N, OZ G, AKKAYA A. “Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud in an Epileptic Patient”, Hacettepe Medical Journal, Volume 23, 211 – 216 (1990).
KURKCUOGLU N, OZ G. “Psoriasis and the doctor fish”, Lancet, 2(8676), 1394 (1989).
OZ SG, GUVEN GS, KILICARSLAN A, AYDEMIR N, SOZEN T, “Osteoporosis Frequency and In-Hospital Charges of Patients with Hip Fracture”, 5th European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis International Vol.16 S23, Roma, Italy, 2005.
OZ G, TANRIOVER MD, GUVEN GS, KILICARSLAN A, SOZEN T. Bad news for women: do we underestimate the cardiovascular risk factors? 5 th Congress-European Federation of Internal Medicine, P2 – 088, Paris, France, 2005.
KILICARSLAN A, TANRIOVER MD, OZ G, GUVEN GS, SOZEN T. Body image perception and disparity in food habits of the obese: evaluation of the present to look at the future. 5 th Congress-European Federation of Internal Medicine, P2– 314, Paris, France, 2005.
FENTOGLU O, OZ G, AYKAC Y. Short-term effects of periodontal therapy on serum lipid levels in patients with hyperlipidaemia. Europerio 5 Congress, P153, pp 155, Madrid, Spain, 2006.
FENTOGLU O, TASDELEN P, OZ G, AYKAC Y. Association between periodontal health and hyperlipidemia. Europerio 5 Congress, P140, pp 152, Madrid, Spain, 2006.
GUNDUZ O, DEMIRGUNES FE, KARADUMAN A, OZ G, ERKIN G, SAHIN S, OZKAYA O. Cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis in a patient using systemic steroids. 15. Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, P011, Rhodes, Greece, 2006.
ONAL IK, ALTUN B, YILMAZ R, KIRKPANTUR A, ARICI M, OZ SG, ERDEM Y, YASAVUL U, TURGAN C. “Serum matrix metalloproteinase 2, 9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 levels in mild Hypertensive patients: effect of blood Pressure treatment”, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 21(Supplement 4): iv287–iv545, 2006
OZ SG, TANRİOVER MD, KİLİCARSLAN A, GUVEN GS, SOZEN T. Autoımmunıty trıggered by ınterferon-alpha: at the edges of the spectrum. 6. Congress - European Federation of Internal Medicine, P-46-01, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
TANRİOVER MD, OZ SG, EMRI S, BILGEN SA, SOZEN T. A young woman wıth osteoporosıs after pregnancy and lactatıon. 6. Congress - European Federation of Internal Medicine, P-59-05, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
OZ SG, TANRIOVER MD, KILICARSLAN A, GUVEN GS, SOZEN T. “A young woman with osteoporosis after pregnancy and lactation”, Osteoporosis Int, 19 (Suppl. 1): S61, ECCEO 2008.
TANRIOVER MD, BORA G, GUVEN GS, ERDEN DD, OZ G, KILICARSLAN A, YURTER HE, SOZEN T. “Environmental and genetic risk factors of postmenopausal osteoporosis”, Osteoporosis Int, 19 (Suppl. 1): S81, ECCEO 2008
PEPEDİL F, ÖZ ŞG. “An extraordinary reason for elevated ESR: Mesenteric panniculitis”, Hepato-Gastroenterology, 55 (Suppl.1): A342, P 566, IASGO 2008.
YAMAN S, OZ SG. “Prozone phenomenon in a patient with hypolipoproteinemia associated chronic brucellosis: a case report”, European Journal of Internal Medicine, 20 (Suppl. 1): S167, P0503, EFIM 2009.
Oz SG, Tanriover MD, Kilicarslan A, Ercan E, Guncu G, Sozen T. “Relatıon Between Secondary Osteoporosis and Periodontitis”, Osteoporos Int, 21 (Suppl. 1): S317, IOF WCO-ECCEO 2010
Oz SG, Tanriover MD, Gencalp U, Güncü G. “Periodontal findings in idiopathic and secondary osteoporosis and osteopenia patients”, XXXI WCIM, P102, pp 542, Santiago, Chile, 2012.
Gencalp U, Oz SG. “Mercury vapor inhalation and poisoning of a family”, XXXI WCIM, P126, pp 546, Santiago, Chile, 2012.
Internal Medicine Pearls, Series ed. John E. Heffner MD, Steven A Sahn MD; Translation ed. Gul Oz MD, Serhat Unal MD. Gunes Publications, Ankara, 2006.
Oz SG, “Social and moral issues in medicine”, “Evaluation and management principles”, Cecil Textbook of Medicine, Ed. L. Goldman, D. Ausiello, S. Unal, O. Uzun, E. Terzioglu. Section: I-II, Page:1-41, Gunes Publications, Ankara, 2006.
Hipertension, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, preoperative medical evaluation
High School |
Univercity |
Academic Background |
Foreign Experience / Education | Harborview Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, A.B.D. | |||||||||
Foreign Language | English |
: 3123052068