Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine Adult Emergency Service is located on Floor D of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Adult Hospital. First aid and emergency care services are rendered in Main Emergency Service.
Equipment qualified for intervening at any emergency situation as well as 1 Academic Staff member, 5 instructors, resident physicians in emergency medicine, nurses, caregivers and registry clerks are available in our Emergency Service.
There are a total of 32 stretchers, 8 observation rooms including monitors and beds and a double-cell resuscitation (revival) rooms which allow responding to 4 patients simultaneously in the Emergency Department. Furthermore, it includes an orthopedics room for plaster and splint, a gynecology room with a gynecology table for gynecologic examinations and an operating room for minor surgical procedures. The location of ambulance entrance is positioned near the resuscitation room in the Emergency Service.
Walk-in patients are initially taken into the examination room where triage (admission to examination rooms depending on the order of urgency of diseases) is carried out by the assigned paramedic. Then, registration procedures are performed in the secretariat. First response, diagnosis and treatment are undertaken by our assistants supervised by our specialized physicians in our examination rooms. The consultant physicians of relevant medical departments are consulted in regard to the diseases of patients who should be hospitalized.
Ali Batur
Assistant Professor
Bülent Erbil
Elif Öztürk
Leman Akcan Yıldız
Mehmet Ali Karaca
Mehmet Mahir Kunt
Assistant Professor
Meltem Akkaş
Nalan Metin Aksu
Volkan Arslan
First response, resuscitation (revival) and treatment of emergency diseases are carried out on any kind of adult patient in the Emergency Department. Emergency Department is where the first response and treatment of many emergency cases such as heart attack, high fever, stomach aches, gastric bleeding, seizure (paralysis), incisions, fractures, traffic accidents, falls, cardiac arrests, pounding, poisoning, suicide attempts, etc. are done. Many tests such as computed tomography (CAT scan), ultrasonography and blood tests can be made at our hospital on a 24-hour basis.
The steps followed by a patient to receive examination in emergency department are described below. While patients who are 18 years old and above are treated in Adult Emergency Department, patients who are 17 years old and below are treated in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children’s Hospital. In cases of major emergency, patients who are 17 years old and below are also given first response in Adult emergency Department and then transferred to the Children’s Hospital.
Ask for help from the first official you see for patients who do not breathe or do not have a pulse; other patients should apply to the paramedics in charge in the first examination room.
The paramedic in charge will evaluate your complaints and arrange your place in the examination queue among other patients. In the meantime, your registration procedures will be carried out in the secretariat.
Paramedic will reevaluate you until your turn comes and can put you forward if he/she considers your condition to be deteriorating or can prioritize a new coming patient in worse condition that yours.
All of the approval and report preparation procedures within the Emergency Policlinic are carried our in the secretariat of outpatient clinic (Test approvals of patients hospitalized in Observation Room are made in Patient Admission office).
Submission of file numbers previously given, if any, by Hacettepe Hospitals to the secretariat during registration procedures carried out by you or your relatives will prove useful in respect to promptness of the procedures. A valid ID card (such as driver’s license, identity card) with your Turkish ID Number written on is sufficient to initiate your procedures.
Your complaints will be heard, file records will be kept and examination will be given by our physician assistants and interns who will attend to you when your turn comes.
Your physician assistant will make your treatment plan together with senior physician assistant and specialist on call.
If it has been requested, intern will take blood from you for testing and complete a form for your radiologic tests. Intern will follow the results of these tests. If medication has been prescribed, these will be given to you by intern. Your physician assistant will prescribe the medication that is unavailable at our hospital.
If necessary, they will consult with the consultant physicians of related medical departments for you.
If necessary, other tests will be made after consultant physicians examine you and they will assist us in making your treatment plan with their results by consulting with academic staff in charge of emergency department.
You might need to be hospitalized, yet there might be no vacancy in the relevant medical department. In this case, we will try to find you a place at a hospital which accepts your health insurance and is located within Ankara. In the event that we still cannot find a place, your treatment will be carried out in framework of the opportunities available at the Emergency Department until the life-threatening situation of your disease is averted.
Certain diseases should be monitored in Emergency Department for a certain period of time without hospitalization with the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. In such a case, we can monitor you in our observation room for a given period of time (24 hours).
It is your fundamental right to receive information about your patient and visit your patient. Please keep your physicians occupied for a period as short as possible so that their treatment can be completed in the soonest time. Please remember the more patient’s relatives your physician informs, the more delay in treatment occurs. Please keep your visits in Emergency Department as short as possible for your patient’s and other patients’ health (as well as your own health). Avoid making crowded patient visits.
In the event that your complaint is regarding a situation which should be notified to judicial authorities, please explain how the event occurred accurately so that your future rights are preserved and we can give you a more precise treatment. We should know the truth so that you can be given the correct treatment.
On-Call Specialist: Emergency medicine specialist who organizes and supervised treatment of patients in the Emergency Department (available in Emergency Department between 08:00-24:00 on weekdays).
Senior Physician Assistants: They make the treatment plan of patients under supervision of on-call specialist. Treatment plans are made under supervision of senior assistant during night when on-call specialist is not available (00:00-08:00). The group of residents change in every 12 hours.
Physician Assistants: They make the treatment plan of patients under supervision of on-call specialist and senior physician assistants. The group of physician assistants change in every 12 hours.
Interns: They are senior students in faculty of medicine. They have acquired certain amount of experience and theoretical knowledge through internship at the medical departments in their previous years. They are involved in the treatment plan under the supervision of physician assistants. They carry out procedures such as taking blood and administering medication under the supervision of physician assistants.
Nurses: They are in charge of caring for the patients in observation room and resuscitation rooms.
Paramedics: They are the health officials who accompany during triage (order of emergency) in patient admission, and patient transfer.
Caregivers: They help with physicians and nurses in terms of patient care and transportation.
Security Guards: They are in charge of ensuring the security of you and your patient.
Janitors: They clean Emergency Department.
ECG Technicians: They perform ECG in Emergency Department.
Patients wait in Emergency Department for various reasons:
• There are several patients who have applied to Emergency Department, and these include emergency patients who need immediate response, therefore they will be given service before you.
• It takes time to receive results from laboratories, x-rays and other tests we have asked from you with the purpose of diagnosis.
• If a consultant physician was consulted in respect to your disease, it can take time for the relevant consultant physician to evaluate you and consult with the responsible academic staff again.
• Consultant physicians from more than one branches can see you and they might need to exchange information among themselves in order to agree on the most appropriate treatment plan for you.
• If you were admitted as an inpatient, it can take time for the beds located upstairs to be prepared.
• Sometimes, it is required to speak to the physicians who first admitted and referred you and to access former information in your file at our hospital in order to have a better understanding of your disease.
• You need to be admitted as an inpatient, yet there is no vacant bed in the related medical department and an appropriate bed cannot be found at the other hospitals in Ankara either.
If you have questions about the delay in Emergency Department, you can receive the necessary explanation from the physicians who give you a treatment.
Use Hacettepe Hospital entrance which is on the side near Sıhhiye Bridge and located on Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street.
In order to get to Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street:
• Eskişehir Way, İsmet İnönü Boulevard, Atatürk Boulevard (towards Kızılay direction), Ziya Gökalp Street, Celal Bayar Boulevard (on the side of Sıhhiye Bridge, to the left), Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street (after turning right under Sıhhiye Bridge), Hacettepe (take the first right).
• İstanbul Way, Konya Way, Celal Bayar Boulevard (continue the way on Sıhhiye Bridge), take the first right after Sıhhiye Bridge, to the road behind Refik Saydam Merkez Hıfzısıhha Institute, Libya Street, Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street, Hacettepe (on the first right).
• İrfan Baştuğ Street, Atatürk Boulevard, Hasırcılar Street (Across you when you turn left in İtfaiye Square), Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street Hacettepe (after making an U-turn under Sıhhiye Bridge)
• Turan Güneş Bouleard, Cinnah Street, Atatürk Boulevard, Ziya Gökalp Street, Celal Bayar Boulevard (the side of Sıhhiye Bridge, to the left), Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street (after turning right under Sıhhiye Bridge), Hacettepe (on the first right).
• Turgut Özal Boulevard, Atatürk Boulevard, Hasırcılar Street (across you when you turn left in İtfaiye Square), Ahmet Adnan Saygun Street, Hacettepe (after making an U-turn under Sıhhiye Bridge).
You will see our signboard when you enter the gate here. You will be at the entrance door of Emergency Department when you make an U-turn at the end of the way within the garden.
In cases of emergency, do not panic and check the breathing and the pulse rate of the patient. Immediately dial 112 (same for mobile phones) for Emergency Service and explain the situation to the official answering your call.
Phone numbers:
+90 (312) 305 16 90
+90 (312) 305 16 91