Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Child Health and Diseases
Neonatology Unit
İhsan Doğramacı (1915-2010) is the founder of the first modern Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in our country and moreover he is the author of the first book published concerning only prematures (İhsan Doğramacı. Prematüre Çocuk. Ankara: Örnek Matbaası, 1954: 57-59). Premature unit is the first unit of Hacettepe Children's Hospital which was put into service. In June, 1957 an incubator brought from abroad got unpacked and soon after the premature grandchild of Ministre of Labour was hospitalized and had started receiving treatment but on those days the construction which was started on 1958 was not yet even completed. Mary Crosse (1900- 1972) who founded the United Kingdom's first and World's third Premature Unit in 1931, in Birmingham at Sorrento Hospital, made a significant contribution to establishment of neonatology unit in Hacettepe Children's Hospital, Şule Bilir (1927- 2007) received education with her, between 1955-56 then she came to Hacettepe University and worked with Münevver Bertan approximately for two years, and the number of incubators in the unit increased to 6, during this period. Mürvet Özakar (1962-1967) and then Müyesser Tunçer (1967- 1983) who introduced the modern neonatology to Turkey, took the responsibility of premature unit. Bournes BP 200 which was one of the first ventilators developed for neonates in 1971, was started to be used in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Hacettepe University İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital from the moment it was released to the market. In 1979, the first Milk Bank in Turkey in where the mothers could keep their milks to feed their infants, was put into service at Hacettepe Children's Hospital. In 1970 Olcay Oran, in 1971 Gülşen Erdem, in 1981 Gülsevin Tekinalp, in 1986 Murat Yurdakök, in 1995 Şule Yiğit and in 2001 Ayşe Korkmaz joined the academic staff of the unit.
Neonatology Subdivision offers service in Ward 37 Newborn and Neonatal Surgery Service, Ward 39 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Unit and Neonatal Follow-up Outpatient Clinic within Ward 82 Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. The infants in their first months and prematures a few months old are followed up in these services.
Hasan Tolga Çelik
All treatments required for neonatal intensive care such as respiration support treatments (oxygen support, basic and advanced mechanical ventilation), phototherapy, exchange transfusion, whole body cooling, inhaled nitric oxide treatment and all types of cardiorespiratory monitoring, ultrasonography, echocardiography, EEG test, ophthalmologic and audiological follow-up, physiotherapy and rehabilitation follow-up, neurologic follow-up are performed. Furthermore, all neonates in pre-operative and in post-operative periods are followed up.
Conventional and advanced mechanical ventilators, phototherapy devices (with LED technology), whole body cooling device, inhaled nitric oxide device, cerebral function monitor, incubators, occupied beds, transport incubators, non-invasive and invasive monitors can be counted within the major devices used in these treatments.
Neonatology Unit does not operate with appointment system. The neonates who were born in Hacettepe University Hospital, who apply or are referred by other hospitals to Pediatric Emergency Service, and who need intensive care are hospitalized in the services of Neonatology Subdivision. After being discharged from the hospital, the long-period follow-ups of premature babies and babies born on time who were hospitalized in these services are performed at Neonatal Follow-up Outpatient clinic.
If you think there is a problem with your newborn, please apply to Pediatric Emergency Service of Hacettepe University İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital. Decisions whether the patients will be hospitalized or not in order to be monitored will be taken by faculty members and specialists.
Services of Neonatology Subdivision; Ward 37 Newborn and Neonatal Surgery Service, Ward 39 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are located in Hacettepe University İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital. After entering through door 3, please go to floor 7 to reach Ward 37 Neonatal Service and to floor 9 to reach Ward 39 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
+90 (312) 305 13 72 / 74 (Ward 37 Newborn and Neonatal Surgery)
+90 (312) 305 13 90 / 91 (Ward 39 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)