Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery
Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery was established by Dr. Güler Gürsu in 1965 under Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and it has put its stamp on the history of Turkish Plastic Surgery as the first clinic delivering Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training in Turkey. Shortly after its establishment, Hacettepe Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery has become a department respected on the international platform.
72 residents have been granted the title of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon upon completion of specialization training in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery by 2014. Many plastic surgeons who have graduated from our department, in which clinical and empirical researches are conducted, have received international awards. Our clinic has puts its signature under many innovations on the areas of hand and microsurgery, craniomaxillofacial surgery and aesthetic surgery throughout the years.
PhD has been offered in 3 separate modules including craniofacial, hand and aesthetic surgery in framework of “Advanced Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Sciences PhD Program”.
Hand Surgery Subdivision was established in 2011 and subspecialtytraining was initiated in 2013. The program, which includes an educational process of 2 years, is carried out in a close correlation with Department of Orthopedy. It is the first center in Turkey to give specialization training in hand surgery. Several studies have been conducted and are still on-going on composite tissue transplantations, which are continuously on the rise in respect to value today.
“Hacettepe University Treatment, Clinic Activities and Research Center for Cleft Lip/Palate and Craniomaxillofacial Deformity” , which is a multidisciplinary structure moderated by our department, was established in 2012. The center has been giving service to patients who continue a multidisciplinary treatment for years, and additionally, it aims to steer the future with scientific researches as well..
Hacettepe University Aesthetic Surgery Clinic Activities and Research Center’ , which is also moderated by our department, was established in 2013. The center has been established in order to give opportunity to new practices and researches in the light of state of art technologic and scientific developments in respect to aesthetic surgery interventions that are still applied by Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Therefore, a center which allows conducting physician assistant training, post-residency training, scientific studies and clinic activities about aesthetic surgery providing patients with the highest level of scientific service has been established for the first time under the roof of an academic institution.
The physicians working in our Department as well as our graduates have several articles in international renowned journals. The greater half of plastic surgeons who have completed their residency in Hacettepe University pursued academic career and the majority of these have assumed the roles of department head or academic staff. The majority of our graduates have become the founders of the departments at the universities they have been working. Our 6 physicians have still been working abroad. Over 10,000 patients are provided with outpatient clinic service and approximately 7000 surgeries are performed annually in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery provides service in Adult Hospital. Our department gives service mainly in the fields of hand and microsurgery, craniofacial surgery, cleft lip and palate and aesthetical surgery.
Gencay Üstün
Gökhan Sert
Gökhan Tunçbilek
Hakan Uzun
Mert Çalış
Murat Kara
Serdar Nazif Nasır
All of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery types are performed in the Department.
“Hand Surgery Subdivision” is available under the Department. After the multidisciplinary evaluation of patients in “Hand Surgery Council”, treatment is given with the contributions of Department of Physical Therapy and Department of Orthopedy. Furthermore, emergency microsurgery and replantation services are provided on a 24-hour basis in our department, which is among the first centers in Turkey to initiate the microsurgeries addressed at tissue losses due to tumors, traumas and similar reasons or restructuring a limb.
Cleft lips and palates have been one of our major subjects of interest ever since the early years of establishment of our department. Our department has the widest patient series of Turkey in this regard. All patients are subjected to a multidisciplinary evaluation in “Cleft Lip/Palate Council”. This council is held with the participation of ortohontists and speech pathologists. The council works in coordination with Treatment, Scientific Activities and Research Center of Cleft Lip/Palate and Craniomaxillofacial Deformity.
Another main subject of interest of out department is Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery. The treatments of patients are planned subsequent to a multidisciplinary evaluation in craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery councils. Neurosurgeons attend to craniofacial surgery council while orthodontists attend to maxillofacial surgery council. Similarly, our councils work in coordination with Research and Clinic Activities Center of Cleft Lip/Palate and Craniomaxillofacial Deformity that is moderated by our clinic. Our clinic is a pioneering center which has performed the surgeries of craniofacial deformities (such as congenital or post-traumatic deformities of craniofacial bones) and maxillofacial deformities (such as open-bite deformities and post-traumatic deformities) successfully for years.
Most frequently performed type of surgery is aesthetic surgery, which is successfully carried our by the entire academic staff. With the aim of progressing the studies and researches on this subject, Research and Clinic Activities Center of Aesthetic Surgery was established in 2013 in a university for the first time country-wide. This center continues its activities moderated by our department. NdYAG and Erbium YAG laser practices are successfully performed in our clinic affiliated to this center.
The following are performed in our clinic:
• Treatment of all hand and arm disorders (such as trigger finger, Dupuytren's disease, tendon transfers, onyxis, hand tumors, tendon adhesions)
• Treatment of congenital hand or arm disorders (adhesion of fingers, polydactyly (extra fingers), ectrocactyly (cleft hand))
• All types of hand and arm injuries
• Microsurgical reconstruction of lost limbs
• Treatment of diseases caused by injury or pressure of nerves in hand and arm (such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubical tunnel syndrome)
• Surgical and medical treatment of open scars caused by various reasons
• Surgical and medical treatment of acute or chronic scars
• Free tissue transfers (transferring skin, muscle, bone or region of body which includes multiple tissues with microsurgery)
• Sex reassignment surgeries
• Hypospadias treatment
• Treatment of various burn-related sequels
• Treatment of pressure sores
• Diabetic foot treatment
• Breast reconstruction with the tissues collected from patient or silicone implants after mastectomy due to breast cancer
• Vaginal construction for patients who do not have one due to various reasons
• Reconstruction of jawbones with free tissue transfer
• Treatment of skin cancers
• Treatment of cleft palate/lip
• Surgical treatment of speech disorders caused by cleft palate
• Treatment of congenital craniofacial bones and relevant soft tissues (such as craniofacial anomalies due to premature closure of the cranial sutures, midface retrusion, hemifacial microsomia (underdevelopment of half of the face), microtia (underdeveloped ear), facial clefts)
• Treatment of deformities in craniofacial bones and related soft tissues due to accidents or traumas
• Treatment of various vascular disorders (such as hemangioma of masses or structures, vascular malformation)
• Treatment of open bites (such as inability to bite due to unfavorable bite position of maxilla and mandibula and aesthetic deformities)
• Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
• All types of aesthetic surgical procedures (such as nasal surgery, breast augmentation and reduction, abdominoplasty, classic or laser liposuction, open or endoscopic face and forehead lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery, brow lift, prominent ear, lipofilling, hip lift and augmentation, bow leg correction, arm and tight lift, body countoring surgery after major weight loss, laser vaginal rejuvenation, penis lengthening, penis widening, laser sweating treatment)
• All types of minimal invasive aesthetic procedures (such as botox, types of filling, facial rejuvenation with Fractional Erbium laser, laser treatment of superficial capillary vessels, microdermabrasion peeling, PRP).
In our department, appointments for examination in outpatient clinic can be scheduled by dialing 444 4 444 and clicking “Online Appointment” link. Also, check-up appointments are given by the secretariat of Outpatient Clinic. Patients who apply in regard to hand-foot, palate-lip and jaw are given seperate appointments. Your weekly academic trainings are held between 08:00 – 10:00 on Wednesdays.
Cleft Palate/Lip Council, Craniofacial Surgery Council (disorders such as cranial deformities) and Maxillofacial Surgery Council (disorders such as open bites) are held on Mondays while Hand-Foot Surgery Council is held on Thursdays in our clinic. If you would like to apply for one of these disorders, please book your appointment between 08:00 and 10:00 on the relevant day for Hand-Foot Surgery Council, Craniofacial Surgery Council and Maxillofacial Surgery Council; between 08:00 and 11:00 on the relevant day for Cleft Palate/Lip Council. Patients except for these types of disorders can book an appointment from our outpatient clinic for any weekday.
Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine has 29 beds available in Ward 41, Hacettepe Adult Hospital. Secretariat of Department is located on Floor B in Adult Hospital. Our operating room is located within Operating Room Department of Hacettepe Adult Hospital and service is provided with 2 operating tables every weekday with an exception of 3 operating tables in certain days. Upon entering from door no. 4, our outpatient clinic is located on floor B, which is one floor upstairs.
+90 (312) 305 13 46
+90 (312) 305 16 94