Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Radiology
All radiologic imaging procedures as well as interventional radiology services in scope of modern medicine are performed by the experienced and specialized staff, particularly the academic staff and instructors of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology. Our department provides service in Hacettepe Adult Hospital, Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital and Hacettepe Oncology Hospital. Radiology units are located in the Emergency Departments of Hacettepe Adult Hospital and Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children’s Hospital.
3 1,5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 6 spiral computed tomographies (CT) 4 of which have multidetectors, 15 ultrasound devices (US) 10 of which are Doppler, 4 intravascular and extravascular interventional radiology units, 2 mammogram devices, 2 digital pulmonary graphs, 4 floroscopy units 3 of which are digital, 10 direct X-ray and 8 portable X-ray devices, 3 bone densitometry units and Picture Archive and Communications System (PACS) are available in Radiology Department.
Adalet Elçin Yıldız
Ahmet Gürkan Erdemir
Assistant Professor
Ahmet Kahraman
Assistant Professor
Ali Devrim Karaosmanoğlu
Anıl Arat
Aycan Uysal
Assistant Professor
Ayça Karaosmanoğlu
Berna Oğuz
Bora Peynircioğlu
Deniz Akata
Devrim Akıncı
Ekim Gümeler
Elif Günay Bulut
Emre Ünal
Erhan Akpınar
Ferdi Çay
Figen B.Demirkazık
Gamze Durhan
Gonca Eldem
Gökçen Çoban Çiftçi
H.Nursun Özcan
İlkay Sedakat İdilman
Mehmet Ruhi Onur
Meltem Gülsün Akpınar
Mithat Haliloğlu
Mustafa N. Özmen
Muşturay Karçaaltıncaba
Rahşan Göçmen
Sevtap Arslan Sarıkaya
Assistant Professor
Sinan Balcı
Assistant Professor
Şafak Parlak Sağol
Assistant Professor
Tuncay Hazırolan
Türkmen Turan Çiftci
Üstün Aydıngöz
Yasin Sarıkaya
Assistant Professor
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan is one of the greatest inventions of humankind. It enables imaging the internal organs without using any harmful radiation. It uses the radio waves in the magnetic field generated with a powerful magnet. There are 3 MRI devices in the Department of Radiology. All 3 of the MRI devices are 1,5 tesla in power.
Considerations before MRI scan
You should read all of the explanations given below so that you can have a comfortable MRI scan and also maximum advantage of the scan is yielded for your health. Please take time to read through the subjects mentioned here.
Considerations before MRI
You do not need to fast or use special medication before MRI. However, the patient is prescribed a MRI Contrast Agent for certain MRI scans. YOU SHOULD BRING ALONG THE MRI CONTRAST AGENT if you were prescribed as well. The medication is administered through an intravenous line to the patient during MRI scan. If you are allergic to any medication or substance, please inform your physician before the agent is administered. However, you should remember that MRI contrast agents are perfectly safe.
You should definitely bring along your previous MRI films and, if any, other films related to the area to be scanned (x-ray or tomography films; ultrasonography or scintigraphy reports) to the MRI scan. These films and reports facilitate planning your test and give the opportunity of comparison with the new test. WE WILL RETURN THE FILMS AND REPORTS BACK TO YOU together with your test result.
You should submit your MRI request form duly treated to the official by computer in the MRI unit the day of your MRI scan. Then, please move to the waiting room. You will be called by the authorized person when your turn comes. Lunch breaks are not taken for MRI scans.
Considerations before entering MRI room
ANYONE WITH A CARDIAC PACEMAKER (including not just only patients but also patient relatives, medical staff and any other persons) CANNOT ENTER INTO MRI ROOM. ALSO, ANYONE WITH A NEUROSTIMULATOR (electrical mechanism to stimulate nerves), electric INFUSION PUMP or COIL incompatible with MR placed in their body CANNOT ENTER INTO MRI ROOM EITHER.
You should inform the health care team that will conduct the scan in the below-mentioned circumstances;
• You might not be able to have the scan if you underwent an aneurism surgery in the past. Furthermore, please inform your physician if you had a valvular replacement or coronary by-pass surgery.
• Please inform your physician if a hearing aid (cochlear implant) was inserted into your ear.
• Please make sure that you definitely inform your physician if you have pellet, bullet, needle, piece of metal or shrapnel in your body. It might be dangerous to perform the scan.
• If you have metals in your body such as hip or knee prosthesis, knee augmentation wedge or plate, there is a possibility that the test cannot be performed on the area with such metal placements. SO, please inform your physician.
• If you are working in an environment with metal dust, the metal dust or burr accumulated on the surface of your body (particularly on your eyes) can pose an obstruct before the test. Inform your physician in this case as well.
You should have taken off and left behind listed below before entering into MRI room
Credit cards, bank cards, ANKARAY or METRO (subway) tickets, mobile telephones, watch, large pieces of metal on you (removable denture, belt with metal buckle, coins, keys, gun, pocket-knife, etc. Please remove your hairclip and earrings as well. You do not have to remove your ring unless your hand will be scanned. We recommend you untie your necktie as you will have to lay down for a while in the MRI room.
As certain cosmetic materials used around the eyes can cause disruption of the images, any make up should be removed before a scan including head.
If you are or might be pregnant or you are breastfeeding
MRI does not have any known harmful effects on the human body. Nonetheless, EXPECTANT MOTHERS CANNOT RECEIVE MRI SCAN IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER as a precaution for the development of baby. MRI scan is allowed after the 3rd month. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please inform the medical team to perform the test in this regard.
In MRI room...
Except for very extraordinary situations, your MRI scan lasts for about 15-30 minutes. In other words, you will be asked to lay perfectly still in a magnetic mechanism shaped similarly to a tunnel during the MRI scan which is completely harmless. Please feel relaxed as you will be observed from the outside with a glass window and camera systems. So, your test can immediately be stopped and you can be taken out when necessary. One more person can accompany the patient in the MRI room on the condition that the precautions mentioned are taken. The patient relative should remain on a fixed spot and should not walk around in the MRI room. It s very important that you do not move particularly the scanned body area during the test. A movement can disrupt the imaging, which can lead to delaying or cancelling your test. You can breathe comfortably during the test (you can exceptionally be asked to hold your breath). Unless otherwise stated, you can blink your eyes or keep them shut continuously. You can gulp during the test. You will hear patterns of strong knocking and banging sounds. In certain circumstances, MRG contrast agent might need to be administered through an intravascular line. If you set these aside, MRI scan is actually a comfortable examination which offers you an opportunity to lay down for 15-30 minutes in the middle of the day!
How is the daily schedule of MRI appointments organized?
Patients are admitted to MRI scan according to the appointment queue. Still, small children are prioritized for MRI scans. As staying perfectly still is of great importance and very difficult to ensure in respect to children younger than 6 years old, small children should be get to sleep (with or without medication) to enter the test. Children who wake up and move during the scan should be taken out from the room in order to wait until they fall asleep again. Therefore, PRIORITY IS GIVEN TO SLEEPING CHILDREN. Furthermore, INPATIENTS IN DIFFICULT SITUATION ARE PRIORITIZED AS WELL.
When will you receive your MRI result?
You can receive your MRI result from Radiology Information Desk Secretariat n the afternoon or 2nd working day following the test (as of 16:00). In this case, MRI results are given in the afternoon on Wednesday for Monday, on Thursday for Tuesday, on Friday for Wednesday, on next Monday for Thursday and on next Tuesday for Friday tests. You will be informed of any exceptional situation.
Your assistance during MRI scan is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Computed tomography provides detailed cross-sectional imaging of your body with X-rays.
Considerations before CT scan
You should inform the health care team that will conduct the scan in the below-mentioned circumstances;
• X-rays are used in Computed tomography (CT) scan. If you are or might be pregnant or you are breastfeeding
• Certain tests require intravascular contrast agent administration If you have history of allergy to these agents, any other medication or substance
• If you have renal disease or received an unfavorable result in renal tests
You should bring along your previous radiology tests (such as X-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI films). These tests prove useful in planning the test and offer a healthier interpretation of your current condition with comparison. Please submit these films and reports to the authorized person conducting the test. These will be returned to you with your test result.
When will you receive your CT result?
You can receive the result of your CT scan as of 16:00 on the second working day following the test from the Information Desk Secretariat.
Your assistance during CTI scan is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health.
Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Ultrasonography provides detailed cross-sectional imaging of your body with sound waves.
Considerations before US scan
The patient should arrive after fasting for at least 6 hours only for “abdominal US”.As for “Suprapubic pelvic US”, a full bladder is required.
Please follow the instructions of your physician if any additional preparations are required for the test.
US appointments are scheduled in groups with 2-hour intervals in mornings and 1-hour intervals in afternoons. Based on the occupancy status of the scan room and the type of the test, any patient from the group can be admitted to the scan within the given period. Therefore, patients should spare approximately 2 hours for the scan and should not rush about the queue.
When will you receive your US result?
US results can be received from the Ultrasonography Secretariat at 16:00 on the following working day. It cannot be delivered earlier.
Your assistance during US scan is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health.
Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Interventional diagnostic or therapeutic procedures guided by imaging systems are performed in radiology for about 20 years.
Considerations before interventional procedures
As contrast agent is administered intravascularly (or by any other means) in these procedures, this medication should be prescribed. Fasting or any other preparations are also required before certain tests. You will be informed on these subjects while receiving appointment.
X-rays used in certain procedures are harmful for women who are or might be pregnant. Please warn the secretaries and radiology technicians before your film is taken in such a situation.
Salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, small and large intestines, urinary and reproduction system are radiologically imaged through administration of contrast agent through intravascular access (or by any other means). These tests are called “conventional contrast tests” in general
Considerations before conventional tests
As contrast agent is administered intravascularly (or by any other means) in these procedures, this medication should be prescribed. Fasting or any other preparations are also required before certain tests. You will be informed on these subjects while receiving appointment.
X-rays used in these tests are harmful for women who are or might be pregnant. Please warn the secretaries and radiology technicians before your film is taken in such a situation.
When will you receive your conventional test result?
Conventional test results can be received from the Radiology Entrance Secretariat in Hacettepe Adult Hospital at 16:00 on the following working day.
Your assistance during conventional tests is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Mammography allows imaging breasts in detail with X-rays.
Considerations before mammography
Bring along your previous mammography films and reports as well as breast ultrasound reports while arriving for mammography.
Do not use deodorizers on the day of your mammography.
X-rays used in mammography are harmful for women who are or might be pregnant. Please warn the secretaries and radiology technicians before your film is taken in such a situation.
When will you receive your mammography result?
Mammography results can be received from the Radiology Entrance Secretariat in Hacettepe Adult Hospital at 16:00 on the following working day.
Your assistance during mammography is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Bone densitometry test allows determining the status of mineral content of bones with X-rays.
When will you receive your bone densitometry result?
The results of bone densitometry tests performed before 16:00 can be received at 16:00 within the same day while the others can be received at 16:00 on the following working day in Bone Densitometry Unit.
Your assistance during bone densitometry is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
You should apply to the Radiology Entrance Secretariat to have X-rays taken. The secretariat is located on the ground floor in Hacettepe Adult Hospital and on the 1st floor in Hacettepe Oncology Hospital (1 floor above the ground floor).
Considerations before having your X-ray taken
X-rays used in these tests are harmful for women who are or might be pregnant. Please warn the secretaries and radiology technicians before your film is taken in such a situation.
When will you receive your X-ray tests?
X-ray files can be received from the X-ray Room to be described during the test half an hour after the scan.
Your assistance during X-ray scan is of great importance so that we can make the best contribution to your health. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon!
Magnetic Resonance (MR) Appointments
Appointments are booked in Secretariat of MR-CT within the Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital or Radiology Department Secretariat located on the 1st floor (1 floor above the ground floor) in Hacettepe Oncology Hospital. You can call 305 31 62 for MR-CT Secretariat in Central Radiology and 305 29 58 for Oncology Hospital Radiology Secretariat.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Computed tomography (CT) Appointments
Appointments are booked in Secretariat of MR-CT within the Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital or Radiology Department Secretariat located on the 1st floor (1 floor above the ground floor) in Hacettepe Oncology Hospital. You can call 305 31 62 for MR-CT Secretariat in Central Radiology and 305 29 59 for Oncology Hospital Radiology Secretariat.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Ultrasonography (US) and Doppler US Appointments
Appointments are booked in Secretariat of MR-CT within the Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital or Radiology Department Secretariat located on the 1st floor (1 floor above the ground floor) in Hacettepe Oncology Hospital.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Interventional Procedure Appointments
Appointments are booked in Secretariat of MR-CT within the Interventional Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital or Radiology Department Secretariat located on the 1st floor (1 floor above the ground floor) in Hacettepe Oncology Hospital.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Conventional Test (Gadtric, Renal, etc. X-ray) Appointments
Appointments are booked in Entrance Secretariat Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Mammography Appointments
Appointments are booked in Secretariat of MR-CT within the Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Bone Densitometry Appointments
Appointments are booked in Bone Densitometry Unit within Central Radiology Department located on the ground floor (Floor Z) of Hacettepe Adult Hospital.
Please bring request slip from Hacettepe University Hospitals, your official referral and/ or health report while arriving for receiving an appointment. “Clinic Information” and “Physician Name” sections on your request slip should have been duly completed.
Central Radiology
It is located on ground floor of Hacettepe Adult Hospital and Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children’s Hospital. It is located on the left side right towards the direction of main hallways of Adult Hospital after entering from door No. 1 or 2. An Entrance Secretariat is located directly upon entrance of Radiology Department.
Central Radiology Department is located in 2 floors. MR-CT unit, conventional test rooms, X-ray rooms, intravascular and extravascular interventional radiology units, bone densitometry and ultrasonography units are on the ground floor. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology, rooms of academic staff and instructors, meeting rooms and reporting secretariat are located on the 1st floor.
+90 (312) 305 18 99
Oncology Radiology
It is located on the 1st floor of Hacettepe Oncology Hospital (above the ground floor). MR, CT and ultrasonography units, mammography and X-ray rooms ad well as bone densitometry unit are located here. The rooms of relevant academic staff and instructors from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology and reporting secretariat are located here as well.
+90 (312) 305 29 63
+90 (312) 305 29 64
+90 (312) 305 29 65
Emergency Radiology
Emergency Radiology Department is located within the Main Emergency Department in Hacettepe Adult Hospital. It is on floor D in Hacettepe Adult Hospital and it provides service on a 24-hour basis. CT and ultrasound devices, X-ray rooms and the rooms of relevant academic staff from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology. Other radiology procedures for patients of Main Emergency Department are performed in Central Radiology.
Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital Emergency Department Radiology Unit is located within Pediatric Emergency Department. It is on ground floor in İhsan Doğramacı Children’s Hospital and it provides service on a 24-hour basis. An X-ray room is also available in the unit. Other radiology procedures for patients of Pediatric Emergency Department are performed in Central Radiology.