Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Urology
Having initially been established only in Hacettepe Ihsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital, our department has become one of the major departments where modern urology practices and training are delivered with the improvement of Hacettepe Adult Hospital in time. There are 48 beds in inpatient service for adults and 15 beds in pediatric inpatient service. Approximately 1250 patients are provided with service per month in our outpatient clinics. Approximately 250 patients in lithotripsy unit, 600 patients in urodynamic testing unit and 300 patients in outpatient chemotherapy receive service annually. Surgeries can be performed on any day of the week in 2 operating rooms used by our department in the operating room department. Total number of surgeries corresponds to approximately 2000, consisting of 1500 adult and 500 pediatric patients.
Ali Cansu Bozacı
Bülent Akdoğan
Cenk Yücel Bilen
Emre Huri
Fazıl Tuncay Aki
Hasan Serkan Doğan
Mesut Altan
Mustafa Sertaç Yazıcı
Muzaffer Eroğlu
Naşide Mangır
Serdar Tekgül
Diseases related to patients of any age are treated with the most contemporary approaches of modern medicine in urology department. Congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract in childhood (vesicoureteral reflux, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, testicular and penile anomalies), voiding dysfunction and the problems these lead to, stone disease and urinary tract infections are treated. Treatments of benign diseases of prostate which is common in adulthood, malignant diseases related to urinary tract (prostate, kidney, bladder, testicular cancer), diseases related to female urology such as urinary incontinence and interstitial cystitis, male infertility problems, renal (kidney) transplantations to patients with kidney failure from living or cadaver donors are, both live donor kidney from transplants are performed in our department. Contemporary treatment of stone disease, which is common in all ages, is performed with shock waves as well as closed surgical techniques. Every surgery in Urology Department is performed with minimal invasive surgical techniques which offer similar efficiency with an advantage of less pain and better cosmetic results for patients (greenlight, laser therapy for stones) in addition to laparoscopic surgical alternatives that are also available.
All types of modern treatment and follow-up of urinary tract stone disease are performed in the department. Open and endoscopic (percutaneous, closed) stone surgeries as well as lithotripsy services are provided by an experienced team. Our department is one of the leading centers of Turkey particularly in respect to endoscopic treatment of urinary tract stone disease. In addition to surgical treatments, metabolic researches and drug therapies to prevent disease recurrence are also practiced for stone disease.
Diagnostic tests for benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign enlarged prostate), which is common among male population with old age, and post-void residual (PVR) urine tests are performed. Endoscopic (TUR, closed surgery) and open prostate surgeries as well as laser therapy which has recently been on the agenda (greenlight PVP) are performed successfully in our clinic.
Treatment of urinary infections is performed as both inpatient and outpatient care services in coordination with Infectious Diseases Department.
Our department is one of the leading centers in Turkey for kidney, bladder, testicular, prostate and penile cancers. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is possible thanks to ultrasound guided biopsy. Endoscopic and open surgery as well as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy is performed in our department for oncology patients. Years of experience combined with established treatment protocols and contemporary approaches provide a basis for the treatment of urological cancers.
Medical and surgical treatments for urinary tract congenital abnormalities (vesicoureteral reflux, ureteropelvic stenosis, penile and urethral abnormalities, testicular abnormalities), recurrent infections, voiding dysfunction and neurogenic bladder are presented with an innovative approach. Our pediatric patients are followed up closely and periodically while their treatment protocols are planned with the most contemporary approach recognized in medicine. It is one of the highest achieving centers of Turkey in the clinical practice of data obtained from researches conducted. Turkey with a great the number and diversity of patients in pediatric urology.
Urinary incontinence (stress and urge incontinence) and interstitial cystitis are treated with the most contemporary methods of urology. The surgical decisions taken as a result of urodynamic tests conducted in our department combined with the best interpretation of patient symptoms provide the basis of our success in female urology.
Kidney transplantations from both living and cadaver donors are performed on pediatric and adult patients in coordination with pediatric and adult nephrology departments. These patients are also given the best post-operative care services possible.
Medical and surgical treatment services are given for male infertility and erectile dysfunctions.
Similar to pediatric cases, neurogenic bladder disorders are diagnosed with contemporary urodynamic tests, and treated for adult cases as well.
This surgical field aims to perform urologic surgeries in almost any area without large incisions. Aiming the same success achieved in open surgery, this approach provides patients with less pain, shorter period of hospitalization, quicker recovery and better cosmetic results. Therefore, it has become the standard practice in many types of urologic surgeries. Laparoscopic surgery is offered as an efficient and successful alternative in the treatment of renal, prostatic and bladder pathologies in our clinic.
In our department, appointments for examination in outpatient clinic can be scheduled by dialing 444 4 444 and clicking “Online Appointment” link.
Control patients can receive appointment from the secretariats of Urology Department and Lithotripsy Unit on Floor B.
Uro-oncology patient care is offered Wednesday afternoons. Uro-oncology appointments are booked by the secretariats of Department of Urology on floor B and Urology Outpatient Clinic in Supplementary Outpatient Clinics Building. Appointments can be requested by applying personally or via telephone (by dialing the numbers given below).
Department of Urology (Hacettepe Adult Hospital Floor B)
+90 (312) 305 18 85
+90 (312) 305 18 86
Outpatient Clinic of Urology, Floor D
Telephone: +90 (312) 305 13 46
Lithotripsy (ESWL - Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) Unit
+90 (312) 305 19 70
+90 (312) 305 19 69
Urodynamics Test Unit
Telephone: +90 (312) 305 13 48
Inpatient Services
Ward 84 (Adult Inpatient Service)
Telephone: +90 (312) 305 18 40
Ward 32 (Pediatric Inpatient Service)
Telephone: +90 (312) 305 13 20
Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit (in Adult Service, Ward 84)
Telephone: +90 (312) 305 18 44